Hello. We have a new PerformArc PA1100HW at work. I have a little experience with an old Motoman, but other than that i'm new to robots.
The robot has a selector switch that allows you different function when in Auto mode: Auto (runs program and turntable), Sweep A/B (allows turntable only), and Home (returns robot to home position). All these function do work, but the HOME function is limiting: The robot has to be inside the ClrWork (clear work) cube to be allowed to move to the home position, which is inside the Home cube. The issue with this is that the ClrWork cube is not much bigger than the Home Cube.
I need to make the ClrWork cube bigger to be able to return robot while in Auto from where the positioners are. The question is, is there a downside to this. It appears that for the turntable to rotate the robot has to be in the HOME cube, so i don't see the purpose of the ClrWork cube anyway.
Does anyone know of a reason i shouldn't change size of ClrWork cube? With my limited experience with this robot the only purpose apparently of the ClrWork cube is to cause me problems w/ homing the robot.
Page 68 of pdf below shows graphic of I/Os. Cubes in question are 1 and 2.
Thanks for any info you can send my way.