Display MoreI went through this a while back and I am pretty sure and as R47 suggested the panels are based on a matrix of rows and columns.
I am pretty sure if you just tested something out using the panel wizard, then part of the setup of the page is to stipulate rows and columns and using sharepoint, I don't think you can just throw things in randomly.
When using something offline like sharepoint, you have to consider the size of the window, size of fields and size of fonts as the window on the hmi allows for sliding navigation north<>south and west<>east.
I did all my last pages using sharepoint.
As you're probably aware, you can lose hours of your life just getting it how you like it, so using Roboguide as a test platform eases this as at least you can enjoy a beer whilst testing it all prior to deployment.
Thank you very much for complementing. This world of HMIs is very new to me, it contributed a lot to my development.
Thanks for sharing knowledge my friend!!!!
success for you!