Posts by nitkon008
does anyone have yaskawa academy books, of pdf format of book with training for learning yaskawa robots???
I learn to program yaskawa robots, but I want to learn more for future projects and go one step further. We can exchange literature.
My company doesn't want to pay for training.
GP180 is controller, all movement is in robot jobs. LADDER is as it is in start configuration. So, if i understand you well: I can use some bit input as "reset signal". If robot is in cubes (connected free movement space) , it can move freely . If robot TCP reach outside of cube it trigger hold. If reset is pressed you can move robot just a little bit so you can correct path. Does anyone have this part of LAD? I'm scared to destroy robots basic functions and i never work in ladder of yaskawa, just Siemens PLC ladder.
how can i allow or deny movement in teach mode for operator so he/she can't make damage on machine or equipment???
Is there a way to stop robot movement in multiple cubes at ones??? I would like to create safe space in which movement is allowed. Than i would like to look if tcp is moving outside that area and STOP IT and call alarm.
Can someone help?
I wonder if there is a way to trigger alarm that will pause robot, send alarm code to plc, PLC will decide what to do, Sent back command and reset to robot and continue with jobs. I beleave same problem is solved in Fanuc with " user defined alarms". This problem can mannaged in picking an item if robot doesn't pick an item. I cant find anything in manuals. Can you please share your experience with same problem.
Hello everyone.
In my previous project, I program the robot in real with teach pendant. In the time of programming, my robot was connected with plc and I have no problem testing sequence.
Now I try to prepare a job on simulation. I have a robot cell and it is working super fine. I have a PLC program in the TIA portal and it works great by himself. now I try to connect those two simulations and try to test my sequence if programs work fine together. I am new on this work (
)with programming and I have not previous experiences. My colleagues at work mostly work with plc and don't know robot stuff. Can anyone now hot to connect PLC TIA PORTAL SIMULATION INPUT-OUTPUT AND MOTOSIM YASKAWA INPUT-OUTPUTS????
Thank you all. I cant move container or robot. You have been very helpful. Doe to the nature of problem, I think , the only solution is to buy the option.
Hello. I'm working on project in witch i use robot to put metal parts in container or pallet. I constantly get singularity error.
I found video that show me auto singularity mode :
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Is it build in or i must buy some option to resolve that problem. I'm using M710iC robot .
just set up your Tool frame offset