Oh okay thanks for the answers
Posts by liphe
Hii I have a trouble with a pendant cable for a YRC 1000 controller with standart pendant, Can I use a pendant cable from a DX100 controller while the replacent arrives... Thanks
Oh I see...Well thanks
Okay I understand but can do it on the pendant or with the I/F Panel?
Hi i am working with a gp180 and a YRC1000 controller, I have recorded 3 position varibles, my question is: Can modify this positions with the robot in remote (run) or i only can do it on stop, thanks for the help
I am searching information fo the maintenance for the robot OCT DAIHEN ALMEGA AX-V6, I was searching an internet but I didnt found about it, thanks for the information that you can share with me
Thanks for the answer
I have to changes the grease of the reductor on a M2000/900iA, I know that the used grease is Vigogrease, but im no sure about the quantities that I have to apply, I will be grateful if somebody can helpme with that.
Ok, thanks for the clarification
Ok thanks for the answer
Hi everyone
I have a IRB 4600 with controller IRC5
I know that in the manipulator there is a battery pack, my question is in the controller there is another battery or only the one in the manipulator
Thanks for the attention and the possibles answers.
Thanks for your answer panic mode
Good morning everyone
I have a question about the bios battery, how often is it necessary change this battery to avoid problems.
In my case I have a KRC2, but the quiestions is more in general.
Hi, I have an RV-2SDB with the CR1DA-700 driver.
When I start the robot, the errors H1091, H1092, H1093, H1094, H1095, H1096 appear. The manual shows that this error is due to the servos malfunction, but I do not know what I have to do.
If someone has an answer or some procedure I appreciate it -
As mentioned in the first post the ksd`s are not ready at the first start of the controller (in the morning) I must restart the controller to be functional.
I made some changes of position of the ksd and that I had other problems. I do not know if there are messages because as explained, the windows restart before loading the kss, and once the windows are loaded the ksd`s are ready to work -
Well a lot of messanges but i have another problems. I changes the positions de ksd`s this change solve some troubles but the start problem no, and something happend. I start the KRC2 when the kss is loading the ksd`s go to error (the led red keep flashing) but in some point, windows (XP) restars by itself, and when is load again the ksd`s are ready for work, i dont know if the trouble is between the pc and kps or pm1.
you have some ideas about this problem -
Hola buenas tardes.
Escribo porque tengo un problema con un robot kuka kr15 krc2 kss 5.2.14, al momento de prender el krc2 bueno enciendo el sistema y empiez cargar, pero al despues de un tiempo y con el software cargado, los ksd`s no quedan listo para funcionamiento es decir el led rojo queda parpadeando, debo apagar y volver a prender el controlador y en el segundo encendido los ksd`s si quedan listos par el funcionamiento, es decir queda el led verde prendido y el rojo se apaga, alguna idea porque sucede esto, gracias -
Hi everyone
I have a problem with a kuka kr150, krc2, kss 5.2.1.
When i start-up first time in the morning the ksd are not ready for operation, I must turn off and turn on the krc2 again so that the ksd are ready.
I would like to know what possible solutions or what is the problem that I have.
thank you very much