That all makes sense. Very helpful. Thank You.
Posts by rgtxa
For those of You familiar with using Kuka KRC4 .cnc for milling via offline programing with cnc g and m code, what is your opinion of it ? I am familiar with g code programing for cnc machines. I am considering a krc4 kuka with an end of arm spindle for carving some wood items vs. a 5 axis cnc machine.
1) Is the sending of the file to the robot fairly simple?
2) Are the controls capable of very large programs ?
3) What kind of tolerances can be held ? (How true is what Kuka claims: .0015" ?? )
4) Are there provisions for tool setup, tool change, and tool offset ?
4) What other issues are there to consider compared to using a 4 or five axis cnc table?
Thank You.
One of the main reasons I want to bypass the current control is when manually jogging in t1 or t2 it is too slow. Is there a way to speed up these speed limits in manual mode.....Yes I know it is not safe or recommended.
Is it possible to have 1 VFD for all of the motors, so they all run at 30 cycles, then you step on the gas pedal and they all run at 60 cycles ? Or do they each need to have their own drive? I want to turn them on and off manually with switches or relays not a computer.
Thanks for the replies (long ago). I am revisiting this same idea, but thinking as simple as possible......without the drives.
Is it possible to use the existing ac servo motors, but with a simple way to vary their speed ? Not necessarily infinite speeds like with a VFD or servo amp but simply low, medium, and high. At the end of the day all I need to do is take off the brake, and spin the motor at 3 different speeds in forward and reverse. I have concluded that trying to communicate with the existing drives/amps is very complicated and not required for the simple task I am try to achieve.
Thank you again for spending your time on this "hair brain" idea. -
These Lenze drive are Interbus S. What does that mean? Is that something that can be "talked to by hand" and by-pass a computer control?
A power supply for the motors (not the same on all axes so you might need 2) and maybe one for the brakes, lots of switches (at least 12 with multiple contacts for activating the brake at the same time you want to move the motors on both directions). That's it. BUT!!! You will need 3 phase power for motors and you will not be able to control the speed so expect lots of nasty crashes. The instant you press the button it will fly off at max power and speed. Or use 6 VFD if you think that is viable.
Anyway, no easy solution by any means, so back to win95 !
TomIn this reply it sound like you are saying "wire up the motors but not use the drives"? I was thinking I would still use the drives to control the brake, ramp, and speed, . That is where I am stuck. I have talked to Lenze. They said (without trying too hard) that these are special "Kuka" drives and they didn't know what signals they needed.
My thinking is still: These drives just need some type of signal to tell them to put out power to the motor.......But what type of "signal" do these drives need for "input" to get them to "output" power to the motor?????? That seems to be the mystery
Is there anyone who know what signals these drives are looking for?Agian....I am not looking to make a new robot with a "control" or "PLC". I just want to physically push a switch with my hand to get the robot arm to move. Thanks
Thanks for the input. I welcome looking at all of the options. It is my understanding that these GM boards can not be upgraded to anything beyond win 95. My "simple" thinking was "these are just drives and motors, give them the signal they need and they will move" Apparently it isn't quite that simple. But keep in mind I am no looking for a fully functioning robot that works by itself as most robots do, I am just trying to get it to move while I hold a button. The goal is to "uncomplicate it", and maybe have something at least some what useful. But like anything else, one has to decide where their time is best spent. Thanks
Yes. Windows 95, need I say more?
They are KRC1A. Replacing the servo drives is not a cost effective option. I was hoping to "rewire" the existing drives.
oops. My bad. Thanks for pointing that out.
I am sure this is possible but not sure how to get started. I have some old GM Kuka press robots. I would like to use as a manipulator/ heavy lifter. What I mean is no control or computer, just switches (joysticks) servos and motors. Similar to a hydraulic system of an excavator or boom truck, where all movements are from me pushing levers only. Does anyone have experience/wisdom of how to communicate with these Lenze drives? I would need to know how to control brake on/off, forward/ reverse, speed, and limits. Please no lectures on safety just helpful information. Thank You.
I am sure this is possible but not sure how to get started. I have some old GM Kuka press robots. I would like to use as a manipulator/ heavy lifter. What I mean is no control or computer, just switches (joysticks) servos and motors. Similar to a hydraulic system of an excavator or boom truck, where all movements are from me pushing levers only. Does anyone have experience/wisdom of how to communicate with these Lenze drives? I would need to know how to control brake on/off, forward/ reverse, speed, and limits. Please no lectures on safety just helpful information. Thank You.
....also, You are correct they are krc1A.
I completely understand the concept of you get what you pay for, and there is no "plug and play" answer. I do not expect a quick fix.
I am not familiar with ROS and OROCOS. Would someone be willing to share the pros and cons of those with me? Thanks -
I have some Kuka's with krc1 win95 (GM) and all the problem there in .
I understand it would not be any easy plug and play, but there has to be a way to get these to work with a newer modern computer and OS, like windows 7, and mach 3, or something. Ultimately they are Lenze drives, and servo motors like many other cnc's. Does anyone have experience or wisdom regarding this. Thanks in advance ???. -
YES That did it. THANK YOU.
I just purchased a Kuka robot with krc2 edo5 and a 7th axis rotary. I can'y find how to manually jog the 7th axis in t1 or t2 like I can 1 through 6 from the pendant. I assume there is a way. Thanks.
I did not see that connection in network settings. I did not see any type of KIS.exe. How do I run/install that KIS? Thanks
No. It is the same.