I completely solved the problem. It is because safe option. So it is running right now. Thanks.
Posts by halilazman
So, you could not solve it at that time?
Our robot size and machine data are matched right now, but there are some modifications on safe robot side.
What else, thanks for your kind reply.
Hi Raltru;
I am wondering if it has been solved and if so, what is your conclusion?
I really need help.
Thanks in advance.
Negating $RAT_MOT_AX.N is perfectly works. So, thank you SkyFire
Hi everybody,
I have an IRB 1400 M97 with ABB Made Positioners (Orbit L500) and BullsEYE unit in a complete welding cell (ABB Made). I bought it from Germany. But all system software has cleared because of empty batteries.
So, we have found system Discs, but not including External Axes definitions and BullsEYE disks. Where can i find these disks.
Can anyone help me? This is urgent.