today I only reinstall Win10Pcap and it work too. Interesting. I had probem when I installed WoV V6.0.18.
today I only reinstall Win10Pcap and it work too. Interesting. I had probem when I installed WoV V6.0.18.
I had same problem yesterday and never before I didn´t have this problem..
I have win 8.1Pro.
I´m not sure where can be problem but I would like to describe what hapened with my lap.
* I upgrade last version of AVG antivirus.
* I have in my lap a apps "LR DEVICE" software from Ifm company for config IOlink on profinet communi... I thing that when I unistall this soft from lap my probem started (I thin so). I had ver. of WorkVisual 4.0.24. For first I installed ver of WV 4.0.29 but without changed.. During installation I had to install "microsoft Visual C +++ 2005". I´m sure that this component I had in my lap long. Maybe it´s lost durring upgrade AVG or during uninst. "LR DEVICE" software..
But when I install "LR device" back (Software from Ifm) the problem was solved..
Thanks and nice day I wish..
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Hi kara,There is no sensor involved, Iam defining position manually.
Thank you for reply , to be specific.I have written program to open/close gripper as below,In .src file ,
DEF Hold()
$OUT[GripperOpen] = FALSE ;GripperOpen=21
$OUT[GripperClose] = TRUE ;GripperClose=22
DEF Release()
$OUT[GripperOpen] = FALSE ;GripperOpen=21
$OUT[GripperClose] = TRUE ;GripperClose=22
ENDThese are my subprograms to open and close gripper , these digital pins are specified and signal declarations are made in .dat file
Am I missing some changes to e made in config file or IO configurations to make my gripper work as it should be
It can be in only one src.file but why not..Im not sure if I understend you what you missing??What do you do with gripper??
Odesláno z mého HUAWEI VNS-L21 pomocí Tapatalk
I am quite new to kuka, had basic training of KRL programming and assistance from manuals.I have worked in software programming several years and so good at coding though.I am using orange edit.
I am using schunk 50 electric gripper for Agilus KR6 R900 sixx KRC4 (pick and place) for educational purpose.The gripper only have 4 pins: +24V, GND, open and close
But I dont have any grippertech installed and cannot afford it.
Please guide me how to do this manually. Suggest the config file/ paths that needs to be modified ,it could save me:)Thank you
there is not some sensor about position of griper??
You need to connect outputs from robot and then write some program with open/close process...
You can set user tech if you have it,there you can move with gripper...
What do you need exactly??
Odesláno z mého HUAWEI VNS-L21 pomocí Tapatalk
Thank you for your reply to me, really!
Yes they need 1000 Jobs by Fronius, that´s why I can´t to use any Robs interface from Fronius..
Ok is possible to buy some software and then configure I/O between Fronius interface and Panasonic system if I understand well..
Really thank you!
Hi for all!
I no have experience with Panasonic Robotrs, only with Kuka but:
One our Customer pleased me if I can to configured fronius CMT by ´DeviceNet (Or other communication if is there) with Panasonic robot´. He sent me that robot is: Model TA 1800WG, Type of console: G2..
Real I don´t know what´s happen with Panasonic and I would like to know if is possible to set it then I will start with this problem..
Really thank you for each answer...
Thank you...
Hello for all,
a little question... Is possible to know how many positions in used in program automaticaly?
Thank you
Hello for all,
I want to thanks for all who helped me with my little problems what I wrote here and right now I please help me with my next problem...
I have own turntable with robot´s external axis on KRC2 and I have mechanical problem with the will of deposid... That´s why we want to implement aretation for this deposid.. I know how I can do this in automatic mode, but when I will want to move with external axis from button on consol? Is there some value what tell me that I want to move with particular axis?
Sorry! It´s solved... I changed $ASYN_MODE from 0 to 2... It´s look well....
Yes I know but this I don¨t want it because it will be very long program and I can have from 7 to 14 position of table... I found well way how to do it but right now I solve other problem! Right now I have permanently only synchro external axis because when I have permanently ASYNCHRo mode I can´t change variable $AYNC_AXIS. In one task I change it to asynchro mode with $ASYNC_AXIS=1 because almost all programs in robot need asynchro mode..
But when I have asynchro mode with variable $ASYNC_AXIS=1 and I go in program all is fine to time when I want sell line by button sell line from consol of robot.. It this time I lost ASYNCHRO mode and robot is BACK in SYNCHRO mode! And this is absolutelly horrible because I need always mode what I set in my task and not that robot will set it alone without me!!!!
Do you know what I can do with this?
My program in synchro mode with only several points fo more position of table in ASYNCHRO mode is fine I think but right now I solve this!
Hello for all,
I would like to know how is possible to send or recieve real number by inputs/outputs?
Thanl you!
Yes yes yes... I need to have permanently asychro external axis... Because I weld with three points (LIN, CIRC) on the same space and I only turn with table on position what I count... This is standard condition what I use on this robot.. Move with table and weld with same points... But right now they need to move with table during welding.. Does mean that I need SYNCHRO mode during welding and after welding I need to turn with table like always... (ASYNCHRO)... But problem I have in SYNCHRO because when I do first weld in firs position of table and then I turn with table to second position in ASYNCHRO mode and I do next weld (but with same points) the table go back to first position with first weld´s points... It´s normal for SYNCHRO mode I think, but is possible to do something?
From this I´m crazy and also that I must to have $SYNC_AXIS=0 because only so I can in program overwrite value to $ASYNC_AXIS=1....
But when I change in $machine.dat variable $EX_AX_ASYNC to $EX_AX_ASYNC=0, that I have only SYNCHRO external axis I can change it in program to ASYNCHRO.. It´s nice but I need always only ASYNCHRO axis!!
Right now I have that I rotate with table (E1) in ASYNCHRO to some angle what I count and after go to program where I have moving of robot (There I have synchro mode - does meant that in other task I change value $ASYNC_AXIS from 1 back to 0) The robot go standardly like in synchro mode... After I go with repeat in my process back and set from SYNCHTO to ASYNCHRO, after turn with table (E1) in ASYNCHRO on next angle what I count and when I continue to program where I have points of robot with SYNCHRO mode the robot do same points but external axis go back to position where points was created... And this I don´t want it!!!
I know that each point has line with type of point and some instruction XP and number of point.. Second LIN point in program has LIN XP2 (I think that there is position of external axis... I know that when I have SYNCHRO mode and I want to shift this point with angle of table I must to overwrite this line to same angle like external axis and this point will be well with table... But for me does mean that this point I must copy for each angle of table and I want to have only one point....
What I can do??
Really I´m desperate so much....
Or why I cant to have only ASYNCHRO mode and to change it in program to SYNCHRO only when I need it?
and do you know someone how is possible to send real number by input/output?
Really thank you...
Good morning Skyefire,
in $EX_AX_NUM I have 1 and in $EX_AX_ASYNC also 1...
When I want ovewrite $ASYNC_AXIS in program the system do nothing and when I want to change it unde variable the system write me that variable is only for reading....
What I can do?
Hello Skyefire,
I tried what you wrote me almost four month ago on one robot with KRC 2 where I had one external axis E1 to set like SYNCHRONOUS... When I wrote to system task for ASYNCHRONOUS axis where I overwrote $ASYNC_AXIS from $ASYNC_AXIS=0 to $ASYNC_AXIS=1 I dont´t remeber that I had problem with moving and system indicate "connected asynchonous axis E1".. Only when I was in program and when I sell line with button the system set value back to SYNCHRO axis.. But all was fine and I moved with axis asynchro mode...
But right now I have robot where I need to have this application and here I use standardly ASYNCHRO external axis and when I created task whrere I want to set $ASYNC_AXIS from $ASYNC_AXIS=1 to $ASYNC_AXIS=0 the system do nothing... This value I can´t change...
Does mean that I must to set simultaneously $ASYNC_OPT from TRUE to FALSE? Or?
I have it write so:
WAIT FOR ($ASYNC_AXIS == 0) ;Here the robot wait and that´s all...
What I need? I count position of external axis by PLC and I do always same moving with robot (PTP,LIN and CIRC) and only move to some angle what I count with PLC... But right now I want to move with ASYNCHRO axis like always and when I move with points of robot there I need move with all axis SYNCHRO.. That I will move with robot and simultaneously with external axis.. After this condition I want set external axis back and move with external axis like ASYNCHRO...
I know that I this is very simply but I dont´t know what I must overwrite for this condition when I can´t change value $ASYNC_AXIS....
I think that I must overwrite more values, or?
Really thank you for your help and time to reed my boring problems...