Thanks for the feedback.
Perhaps this should be the start of a new thread, but the context of this query is that I am hoping I can use touch sensing to overcome a small challenge. The robot zero plates seem to have been tampered with in the past, and the TCP doesn't stay fixed when rotated about tool TCP. The implication is that I cannot change the tool angle without changing the TCP position.
The BA series robots don't have an available zero kit like the RS series.
This is a video of the TCP shift during angular change
The paint lines on the bolts don't match up anymore, I suspect they were removed and replaced when the robot was painted. Kawasaki told me that some of the blue robots were painted on the production line and others were done after the fact. I think this is an after-the-fact one.
I got the factory zero settings for the encoders, but that doesn't improve the situation. It actually makes the TCP stability worse. I have double-checked the Tool definition, and I tried the automatic tool definition process (repeatedly), but it gave many errors and didn't result in a satisfactory result.
I am going to add a smaller tool to the robot flange (calibration spike) with measurable offsets and then double-check the TCP stability again. The welding tool offsets are very difficult to measure accurately.
As plan B, if I am unable to re-zero the robot, is to try and get around the x,y,z position error by adding an offset to each weld position, into free space, then using SSENS or XAC to detect the exact position of each weld start and end before it is executed. I big cycle time hit for the process.