Hi everyone.
I just downloaded the trial version of KUKA.Sim 4.1 and tried to connect to the robot I'm using on Officelite.
Officelite has KSS 8.6.2 and Kernel system version KS V8.6.170
This is what I managed to get to:
As you hopefully can see, I managed to connect to Officelite and can import and export projects between KUKA.Sim and Officelite.
However, when I move the robot on Officelite I can't get it to happen in KUKA.Sim.
On KUKA Xpert I found a document about KUKA.Sim where it explained that, in the "CONNECTION" ribbon, there should be an option "Synchronize Robot Position" just below "Simulation Configuration", which does exactly what I need.
Does anyone have any idea on why that option might not be present?