Hi all,
I will have to move some points stored in relation to wobj0 to a newWobj.
I have the robotstudio subscription active.
Could I:
- Copy the points declarations I want to move from wobj0 to newWobj1 into a module named newWobj1 (to say something).
- Go to the RAPID tab and click on ADJUST ROBTARGETS.
- Select the newWobj1, select wobj0 as old workoject data and newWobj1 into new wobjdata keeping the checkbox replace tooldata / wobjdata in instructions. active.
- Press "Execute".
Would that just make it?
To make it more interesting I won't be online and the machine will be in a different country.
And another important question:
Will the robot move slightly it's physical positions? (Given the difference between the physical robot and the software robot in terms of precision...).
Thank you all!