I am using Modbus TCP to communicate between my PC and virtual controller inside Roboguide. I have installed necessary software options such as SNPX R553 (HMI device), and setup SNPX_PARAM system variable, as well as, setup some registers such as DOs, and R[x] via SNPX_ASG options.
I am able to read from DOs and R[x] using these settings. On the PC, I have a small python based script that is based on pymodbus.
Currently, I want to test stop and resume movements of the robotic arm. Imagine a scenario, where we want to pause the movement if some condition occurs, and as soon as that condition is invalid, we resume the motion. I came to know that under UOP, UI[2] and UI[6] can be used to stop and resume the motion.
Can we write to these remotely (from PC) using modbus TCP. Will it be equivalent to write_coil function?
thanks for your help.