KSS: KRC4 8.5.0
Robot: KUKA iiwa 7 R800
OS: Windows 10
Sunrise Workbench:
WorkVisual: 5.0.10/Build0927 (with Sunrise.kop:
The error that is being displayed on the teach pendant is “Error during Cyclic Communication”. This error requests you turn the key switch to the operator mode page. The error still remains after turning the key. After rebooting the controller, the teach pendant still showed this error. See images 1-3 attached.
I tried to reload a program and that still didn’t fix the error, I found that the battery had not been plugged in to the controller following shipping, which when plugged in it still did not fix the error. After that it was suggested to use a recovery stick and load a fresh image to the controller.
This seemed like it fixed the issue as the robot was able to be jogged and applications selected and manually run through. But unfortunately today the same error appeared again. However, now it’s not whenever the pendant is booted up, but only when you initially turn the key switch. In T1 mode when the robot boots up it appears to operate as normal, but turning the key switch and attempting to put the robot in auto mode, the error shows up again and cannot be removed until the controller is power cycled.
The 4th image is another warning that comes up but I am still able to jog the robot despite them. These may or may not be related.
Also, after using the recovery stick all the parameters for the KUKA systems gripper that had been installed were cleared. I have been attempting to reconfigure them and have had other programming issues on the computer, but at this stage I don’t think that is related.