Hello to everyone!
Have a question. I wasn't working with Pro-Face for a long time and now I have a project with Pro-Face HMI. Could you tell me please do I need to buy SNPX robot option to make it works? I need to pass only R, DI, DO.
Hello to everyone!
Have a question. I wasn't working with Pro-Face for a long time and now I have a project with Pro-Face HMI. Could you tell me please do I need to buy SNPX robot option to make it works? I need to pass only R, DI, DO.
Yes, you will need the SNPX option to interface with ProFace HMI's.
Make sure you get a copy of the HMI User manual. It contains the mapping structure for the robot and pmc.
Have it. I hope this is right...
I came back I set up my $SNPX_ASG as it showed on image above. I took this image from ProFace manual. I didn't change my $SNPX_PARAM and I'm not sure that I need to change it. I try to get access to R[1] using [PLC2]400001 but have no success. Could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
In additional. I was refer to ProFace manual.
Read the Fanuc HMI User manual. Some devices can be accessed directly where others such as registers require the snpx assignments. It can be little confusing as first. ProFace will address the SNPX assigned registers, not the actual r address in the robot. Regarding the proface setup to talk to the robot, here's a ss of one I've done. Notice it is a series 90-30 plc. FYI, I'm using GP-Pro EX 3.6 so it may look different.
Read the Fanuc HMI User manual. Some devices can be accessed directly where others such as registers require the snpx assignments. It can be little confusing as first. ProFace will address the SNPX assigned registers, not the actual r address in the robot. Regarding the proface setup to talk to the robot, here's a ss of one I've done. Notice it is a series 90-30 plc. FYI, I'm using GP-Pro EX 3.6 so it may look different.
I've done in same way with GE 90 Series driver. I tested GE 90 Series driver before I wrote additional question in this topic. I'm just wondering why ProFace manual for connecting to R30iB/R30iB-Mate doesn't work in a way it has been written.
TL;DR haha, That's an odd example to give on the part of ProFace. I would think you'r need a Modbus option in the robot. Also, It didn't appear to mention any options for the robot. Not sure why you would use modbus if you have a GE ETH driver already. Somebody had some spare time i guess.
It means that ProFace manual is useless I used Modbus because it says in ProFace manual. I expected that provided manual is correct. ohhhh....I just will use GE 90 Series and that's it.
Were you able to get this resolved? I have configured and used Proface on the Fanuc controller multiple times.
Note: you will need to likely set up scaling for your integers, as the default of the Proface will not be correct *usually.
Were you able to get this resolved? I have configured and used Proface on the Fanuc controller multiple times.
Note: you will need to likely set up scaling for your integers, as the default of the Proface will not be correct *usually.
What driver did you use?
For me original GE 90 Series works fine, but Modbus TCP that is listed in ProFace manual doesn't work.
What driver did you use?
For me original GE 90 Series works fine, but Modbus TCP that is listed in ProFace manual doesn't work.
You will want to use the GE series 90-30 driver. I have found that the symbols are reversed on some of the hmi's however. IE, Q and I are backwards respective to how they should be. Also, SR's do not display correctly on the proface, no matter how you configure the robot (make sure to reference the fanuc HMI user guide). Lastly, integer scaling by default in the proface often is incorrect.
Proface makes my favorite HMI's, but they leave much to be desired when it comes to integrating with the fanuc.
Also, to make sure: did you purchase the SNPX option on the fanuc? This is a software option that must be purchased outside of configuration of the SNPX settings.
Sorry for the late response.
You will want to use the GE series 90-30 driver. I have found that the symbols are reversed on some of the hmi's however. IE, Q and I are backwards respective to how they should be. Also, SR's do not display correctly on the proface, no matter how you configure the robot (make sure to reference the fanuc HMI user guide). Lastly, integer scaling by default in the proface often is incorrect.
Proface makes my favorite HMI's, but they leave much to be desired when it comes to integrating with the fanuc.
Also, to make sure: did you purchase the SNPX option on the fanuc? This is a software option that must be purchased outside of configuration of the SNPX settings.
Sorry for the late response.
Thank you for replying back.
I have SNPX option on robot and GE series 90-30 driver on HMI. This setup works perfectly. I just believed that ProFace made new manual in right way, but my expectation was wrong
Does anyone has correct SNPX configuration parameters for PRO-FACE panels? I have tried original from manual, but it does work weird.
Thanks in advance!
Comm setup or the snpx assignment structure? I've previously posted a pic of a comm setup on the proface side.
Comm setup or the snpx assignment structure? I've previously posted a pic of a comm setup on the proface side.
Do you have setup on robot side?
For DI/DO there is no setup, it's addressing on the pro face side
DI1 > %Q1
DO1 > %I1
Registers will have to have SNPX assignments made. This where the Fanuc HMI manual comes in to play.
SNPX uses R(registers) but they are not related to the numeric "R" registers on the data screen.
In a snpx assignment you assign:
Address - The start of the snpx register to use
size - how many snpx regsisters are required
Var_Name - robot data to read and the format. ie PR , R , SysVariable etc
multiply - decimal precision/place basically
I highly advise reading the Fanuc HMI User manual. Here's a quick setup for reading regisers.
Keep in mind, proface will use the address of 5000 (%R5000). It can be changed to 1.
ASG 8 refers to the sysvar $SNPX_ASG[8]. This is where you set your snpx assignments .You'll see there are quite a few. I just happened to use 8 for this example. It can be changed to asg 1.
ASG 8 | Address | 5000 | |
Size | 50 | ||
Var Name | R[150]' | Data Register 150-175 | |
Multiply | 1.0 | 32b Signed INT |
This should get you started.