I've recently picked up a Sony CAST-U gantry robot, mid 1990's vintage, with an Apollo Seiko soldering unit. Unfortunately it did not come with documentation at all.
For the most part, I've been able to figure out the operation, and have managed to acquire most of the documentation from the Apollo-Seiko side of things. But am still struggling with programming the Sony side of this robot, using the teaching pendant.
The main feature I can't figure at the moment is how to actually save, and retrieve, a program. There is a hexadecimal selector switch to pick the program, from 0-F. But I don't know how to transfer a program from the pendant into the robot (if I'm even understanding this properly).
Sony shut down the division that handled this robot, more than 15 year ago, so have been unable to provide any support. Janome, who also used to support these robots, has also told me they won't provide any support now.
All I've found online so far is a couple of youtube videos, which don't explain much. I've also found a setup manual for a bit newer model.... but that manual only handles setup and install, with no programming info.
Anybody possibly have experience with these that could help me out?