Hi everyone, I'm new to the group. I have a question about 2 system variables I'm trying to find.
1: what variable controls the speed when in teach? (Right now on the new robots just installed, we can't run them past 30%)
2: what variable controls the speed the Teach pendant returns to when the deadman switch is released? (It currently drops to 4% when deadman is released, I would like it to return to 10%)
Robot is a 2000ic with a 30iB controller. Thanks in advance.
System variables
Alejandro38 -
September 13, 2018 at 2:06 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Here is some helpful system variables for speed tune:
$SCR.$runovlim - The ceiling speed override value when you execute a program. If the current speed
override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the current speed override will be updated to
the ceiling speed override.
$SCR.$jogovlim - The ceiling speed override value when you jog the robot. If the current speed
override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the current speed override will be updated to
the ceiling speed override.
$SCR.$tpenbleovrd - The ceiling speed override value when the teach pendent is enabled. If the current
speed override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the current speed override will be
updated to the ceiling speed override
$MCR.$genoverride - Specifies the rate of robot movement speed. The robot movement speed when the
program is executed is $MCR.$genoverride * $MCR_GRP.$progoverride.
$genoverride, a scaling factor, is expressed as a percentage of the program motion speed.
For all programmed motion $genoverride is multiplied with $progoverride to obtain a total
override value, which is then multiplied by the motion speed.
As a safety feature, the value of $genoverride is automatically set to 10 if you do not confirm the
setting before jogging the robot. You can set the value of $genoverride using the teach pendant
OVERRIDE UP and DOWN keys or KCL commands
$MCR_GRP[1].$prgoverride - Specifies the rate of robot movement speed. The robot movement speed when the
program is executed is $MCR.$genoverride * $MCR.$progoverride. It is requested by
$prgoverride, a scaling factor, is expressed as a percentage of the motion speed.
For all programmed motion, $prgoverride is multiplied by $genoverride to obtain a total override
value, which is then multiplied by the motion speed. $prgoverride has no effect for motions other
than program motions.
You can assign a value to $prgoverride from a program or from the teach pendant.
$SCR.$coldovrd - The speed override value on a cold start.
$SCR.$fenceovrd - The ceiling speed override value when the SFSPD signal is cut. If the current speed
override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the current speed override will be updated to
the ceiling speed override.
$SCR.$sfjogovlim - The ceiling speed override value when you jog the robot while the SFSPD signal is
turned off. If the current speed override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the current
speed override will be updated to the ceiling speed override.
$SCR.$sfrunovlim - The ceiling speed override value when you execute a program while the SFSPD
signal is turned off. If the current speed override is greater than the ceiling speed override, the
current speed override will be updated to the ceiling speed override.