Wondering if anyone can offer a reason for this behaviour.
Will need to unzip and use Power Point to view...double click the pic.
Wondering if anyone can offer a reason for this behaviour.
Will need to unzip and use Power Point to view...double click the pic.
Can't see the video with Open Office, I can only see the preview image that hints that it's something to do with spot welding.
A short verbal description of the probram and circumstances would have been reasonable thing to add. More info the better.
Guessing, most problems with spot welding stem from tips wearing off and the contact point drifting, which gives bad welds, may either tress the welded material or cause torque limits in the robot to trigger. If this is the case, I can show you where in the documentation you may find how to invoke the tip dressing-cycle, if dressing-mill is provided. (I don't know how it's done if there's only a file for reworking the tips...)
Unable to view the video, but as per your subject title it seems that while tip dressing, gun is bouncing.
It might be due to gun contact with cutter is NG.
Possible cause :
Old tip has low value of tip consumption and you have replaced the tip with high amount of wear. But robot is having old tip wear amount for movement.
Only run Gun search function (1/2/3) whatever you are using to update wear amount.
For those unable to see video, robot finishes tip dress, backs away, starts to do its first gun squeeze. As the upper gun arm starts to close, at about 1.5 inches away from the lower gun arms, the upper arm goes into, what looks like, free fall, bouncing on the bottom gun arm six to seven times, gradually working its way closed. Looks a lot like a bouncing ball.
When finally closed, it continues on with the rest of the tip measuring routine.
Doesn't happen all the time and happens rarely.
Hope this helps.