Hello, I have a question regarding to i-pendants.Actually I have one i-pendant p/n: A05B-2518-C202#EAW working on my robot.In my ware house I have one i-pendant p/n: A05B-2518-H200#EAW.Finally, on Ebay i found some ipendants with p/n:A05B-2518-C203#ESW, A05B-2518-C203#EMHA05B-2518-H201#EMH A05B-2518-C202#EMHFinally my question is: Can I use any of the teach pendant?, On what the teach pendants are different?Thank you in advance.Regards.Dave
i Pendant differences
Dave -
June 11, 2014 at 9:27 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Don't quote me on this, but i think the only real difference is the overlay on the front. Some have overlays for material handling where others have buttons that list welding functions.
This was my experience in searching for a replacement to an older RJ3 robot.
Hope this helps -Eric
Eric is correct. #EMH indicates a material handling overlay, #ESW for spot welding, #EAW is likely arc welding.
The last digits of the part number indicate the revision and possibly touch screen? Older iPendants have the E-stop towards the middle while the newest revision has it near the top.
Here on oldest robot we have Teach pendant #A05B-2301-C301 and any newer teach pendant does not work on them (A05B-2301-C371 and up)
Thank you!!