Is there a way to override the speed when going from teach to auto without putting the override tag in the job ? I have seen it done on a cell but was not sure what they changed to do it.
Speed override
perkwes -
March 12, 2014 at 2:14 AM -
Thread is Resolved
$MCR.$genoverride - General Override
$MCR_GRP[1].$prgoverride - Program Override
$SCR.$coldovrd - Cold Start Override
$SCR.$tpenbleovrd - Teach Pendent Enable OverrideAsk if you need more information...
Best reggards, Scotty
I get setting the parameter override limits but wouldn't including OVERRIDE=100% at the start of your programs be a good safety? Just in case.
Hello you can modify the speed on SETUP》CELL》RESUME SPEED and PRODUCTION SPEED, on the TP you can set 100 for the first option and 50 to the second, it me ans that the production speed is 100% and the second after a failure the robot is going to start at 50%.
If you have a controller with T1 and T2 switch, the risk of typing the override at 100% is that, if by some reason you are running on T2, the speed is going to be production speed (2000mm/sec) and if someone is on the way you can hurt him, because usually we don't program with override on the programs, so in my experience I don't suggest to use it on the program.