Top 20 Humanoid Robots that are currently in development
Werner Hampel -
February 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM -
Most of the humanoid robots on this list could soon be ready for the market. However, there are also a few models that are very promising but are unlikely to be marketed in the near future.
1. Alfie from Prosper Robotics
2. Ameca from Engineered Arts
3. Astra from Apptronik
4. Atlas from Boston Dynamics
5. ATOM2 from FutureBots
6 Beonmi from Beyond Imagination
7. CL-1 from LimX Dynamics
8. Digit from Agility Robotics
9. Eva from Aeolus Robotics
10. figure01 from Figure
11 Forerunner from Kepler Exploration Robots
12. GR-1 from Fourier Intelligence
13 Neo and EVE from 1X in collaboration with OpenAI
14. H1 from Unitree
15. Optimus from Tesla
16. Phoenix from Sanctuary
17 Reem-C from PAL
18 Robee from Oversonic
19. Themis from Westwood
20. 4NE-1 from NEURA
It will definitely be interesting to see who will be the first to sell a market-ready humanoid robot and what the demand will be like.
What do you think?