Created how? Details matter. If you simply have a PTP P1 command or similar in your .SRC that's not part of a complete ILF, then no, TouchUp doesn't work.
For instance, I used robodk as a simulation program because we don't have a kuka simulator, when you export a program with robodk it gives you something like this :
BAS (#VEL_PTP,100)
LIN {X -211.000,Y -7671.000,Z 1485.000,A -90.000,B 0.000,C 180.000,E1 -10500.00000,E2 0.00000}
On one of our robot I can touch-up these points and when I do it says TPEXPERT 7700 at the top which I assume is some option that Panic Mode was talking about?
Then I tested the touch-up on the other robot next to it, which is the same robot really and it gives me the invalid module error... I'm guessing they don't have the same options.