Hello, I tried to open the motor but after removed all visible screws I can't open it...
there are some tricks?
Thank you.
Hello, I tried to open the motor but after removed all visible screws I can't open it...
there are some tricks?
Thank you.
Hello, Thank you for your reply, it's very useful.
I solve a problem but I found an other one..
Last week I check all wires into the main cable and I found bad connections in it.. In fact the J2 motor was not correctly wiried. So I repaired.
Now I can jog the J2 axis when the robot is lay on a table (with no load on this axis) the J2 axis move without problems, but when I straighten the robot, there is a SRVO-053 disturbance excess error.
In fact the J3 axis oscillating. I can't jog only the J2 axis, I know it's normal but when I jog the J2 axis, the J3 axis cause an error...
So I pull the J3 reducer and the J3 motor. It's was almost the same like J2 axis. And when I release the J3 brake and move the shaft manually it's produce a bad sound. I took a video:
what's the problem now?
Thank you.
Hello, I measured armature resistance of my J2 motor, and nothing to report. It's the good values compared to the datasheet and the same compared J3, and J4 motor axis..
I have no idea what's wrong with this axis..
bad wiring of the motor? or the encoder? issue in the servo amplifier board? setting of the RJ3 controller?
Some news about my project:
Yesterday I disassembled the circular spline and the flexspline. I cleaned the bearing all parts was very dirty. Reassembly was not complicated, I took a lot of précaution so everything went well.
But I have an other problem, like you told me I try to run the motor without a load and It's impossible. when I try to jog the axis always the same error srvo 050 collision detection alarm..
The motor try to run it move a little , but instantly an error occurred.
I tried to release manually the break (with 60V continuous power supply) and I tried to move the shaft, to feel If the break was release or not and it's is. I heard a click sound from the motor when I power on the power supply and I can turn manually the motor shaft.
So any idea?
The motor plate and the wave generator are clean!
Today, I pull the J2 motor and I completely dismantle the wave generator, I remove all the previous grease and the black substance with alcohol, and remove the dust with compressed air.
The result is pretty cool, It's look like a new one...
tomorrow I will dismantle the flexspline and clean the area under it.
After I will put some new grease and I will ressemble it? Or there is something to do before?
Thank you.
on this photo marker E means where I cleaned. I will clean all this black substance.
What is the reason? bad grease which burned with the temperature?
Have a nice evening !
Finally I found a cross section of the Harmonic drive model: CSG-25-2UH(see enclose)
And I decide to unscrew bolt marked D in my previous post and surprise... all inside is black! grease is black and all surface are coated with a black substance..I think I found my problem.
Hello, thank you, It's help me a lot!
Finally I unscrewed the J2 motor (bolt marked A in my previous post), but impossible to pull the motor... but now with this information I understand why...
this afternoon, I decided to unscrew the 8 bolt marked C and I find the harmonic drive. His sweet name is:
Harmonic Drive Systems 62 012173 10
for now I didn't find the technical datasheet on google... but I will search again..
Tomorrow I will unscrew bolt marked B...
I have already seen grease into this harmonic drive, and it was not black.. (maybe a good sign)
what do you think about D screws? (see enclose)
thank you for your advises, I will buy loctite 518, and I will take care of the paper gasket.
I will tell you how is going.
Since yesterday, I read a lot of documents and I have few questions before pull the motor.
-After that I must to do a mastering of this axis? just to be sure, no special tools are needed?
because I think I already did a mastering on this robot, because when I change dead battery, the TP show me and error message " robot must be calibrated" or something like that, and a BZAL error, I only reset pulse coder alarm, and jog the robot to the zero position (witness marks) and just click on "Zero position master" and It was OK. After pull the J2 motor I will redo the same?
-When I pull the J2 motor I will see the wave generator, but I'm afraid of one thing: reassembly. Is it complicated to put the wave generator into the flexspline?
-And last, just to be sure: I will unscrew bolts marked A (see enclose) and pull the motor, what's happening if I unscrew bolt marked C? of course I will lay and secure the robot, but maybe I will see bearing under? Or it's not located on this side?
Sorry, I have a lot of questions , but I never did that kind of work, I have already dismantle many engine or other thing but never a harmonic drive or an industrial robot.. So I'm a little bit afraid, but I want to learn, it's the only reason why I bought this machine!
Thank you very much,
I will pull out the J2 axis motor.
But first I will study maintenance manual of the Lr mate 100i and 200iC ans 200iD, I will compare and I hope it will be the same for the lr mate 200i.
I think it will give me a better idea of the procedure and all tools needed.
and of course I will post photos.
Have a nice day!
After verification, when I release J2 brake, it's very difficult to move J2 axis, when I move it, it's produce a lot of vibrations.. I think the reducer is out of service..
for J3 axis is the same..
very bad news..
Hello, I have just received my 60 V power supply, I will try to release manually J2 brake and move manually this axis and feel if there is no hard point in the mechanism.
I will do the same for J3... I will tell you.
Yesterday in an other topic, someone with a similar problem (noise in axis) solve the problem with the wiring of a phase of a motor...
I will check all RM cable after..
Have a nice day!
Hello, thank you for your help, it's very appreciated.
I connected as you described earlier:
A2 on RM3
A7 on RM10
B2 on RM11
B7 on RM4
And it shows an amelioration!
Now when I jog the J3 axis I heard just before a click sound from the brake, and J3 axis in one direction (with gravity) move without noise, but in the other direction (against gravity) it moves with the same ratcheting noise as before.
But when I try to jog J2 only J3 moves and after a short period the TP shows:
SRVO-036 Disturbance excess (G:1 A:2)
SRVO-036 Inpos timer over (G:1 A:2)
On the teach pendant I can monitoring the disturbance torque and I saw the J2 motor reach the limit (12,8) and the axis doesn't move..
So I think there is a problem in the brake, or in my servo amplifier board..
Due to Covid -19 restrictions, Amazon delayed the shipping of my 60V power supply.. Maybe I will get it this friday. In this case I will try to release J2 brake manually.
what do you think about this?
Last thing I don't sure the arm was the same as before because the seller had a lot of RJ3 controllers and a lot of Lr mate 200i.. maybe he sold me just one of them...
in all case thank you for your time, I learn a lot of thing and it's really fascinating!
Hello everyone,
just an idea: there is some option on the teach pendant where I can disable breaks? or configure it?
Because, this robot was store without battery during 4 years and when I turn it on I did and complete installation from his memory.
I think this robot is in factory configuration, maybe I need to configure brakes?
maybe at the starting when I press F1 ans F5?
What do you think?
Thank you for the answer!
I spend all my week end on this mistake and problem is still here..
Let me explain what I do exactly and please tell me if it's normal, abnormal or other..
I only connect brakes wtih 4 wire. Before I have secured the robot to avoid a fall..
And I connect the power supply but nothing append.. In this configuration I can't jog the robot (normal because motor aren't connected)
but no "click sound"
But I have measured electric resistance and it's look like good:
between RM3-RM10 = 1089 Ohm
and between RM4 and RM11= 1087 Ohm also.
So maybe I must connect motor and brakes in the same time? maybe motor activate breakes? is it possible?
Else, I measure with a voltmeter, tension at CN6 plug, and
when the power supply is ON, and when I can jog the robot, there is:
39 V between A1 and A6
and 53 V between B2 and B7
What should I do?
Last thing, I ordered a 60 V power supply, mine is only 24 V maximum..
Thank you have a good evening.
Thank you,
I was almost sure it was this kind of reducer, but in fact I think the problem are in relation with brakes.
On my LR mate 200i there is 2 brakes (on J2 and J3) and only theses axis have problems...
I thinks wiring of brakes is bad.
In fact this robot was in a warehouse and someone stole some cable probably for cooper..
The 2 mains cables between the RJ3 controller and robot was cut (RP & RM cable). I made a DIY cable just to be able to jog the robot and verify all electronics component. And it's works, I can jog the robot, monitoring pulse coder etc..
But It was very difficult to find all documentation about this cable and maybe I did a mistake on the wiring of brakes.
It was for this reason I ask on my first post If it "was possible to jog the robot with brakes engage?"
This morning I did the test : with brakes engage I can jog the robot and It's made no difference.. the same noise in J2 and J3 axis.
For the test I just disconnect the CN6 plug (on the servo amplifier board)
So I'm almost sure brakes are engage on my LR mate. But I don't know how to proceed to be sure of this.. any Idea?
*Sorry for my english I do my best!!
Finally I kept the thermistor of the transformer.
With this configuration the E stop unit will monitoring the temperature of transformer and it's not a problem..
So, curently all is wired, and it's woks very well (on 220V mono)
I hope it was helpfull.
Hello, thank you for your answers.
I guess, pull the motor and run it without charge seems to be a good idea, but I'm afraid to do it without the mechanical manual.
I don't know exactly how it's works, what kind of reducer is used inside, and how to dismantle it. Usally in the manual give you an explaination, a procedure and how to dismantle it, with some spécification on bolting torque, or special setting etc..
If someone knows how this reducer works, it will be helpfull for me.
Thank again.
Some piece of silicon seal. Is it normal?
Hello everyone,
Some news of my dirty poor LR mate:
I put some grease into J2 and J3 mechanism.. and it made no difference. the same noise...
last week I opened the case of the robot, execpt some silicone seal it was clean inside. see picture enclose.
Next week I will control the wiring of brakes. maybe there is a problem and it doesn't works?
Other Ideas?