Hi all. New poster to the forum, but I've been reading the forum for a while now. We have a bit of a problem I'm hoping someone here has seen and can help with.
We have installed KUKA SimPro 2.2 with OfficeLite. Both programs are functioning and connecting and so on.
SimPro, however, seems to have a graphics problem going on. It seems like there is a layering or transparency issue with the models. From one angle a component will be normal, from another it will be transparent. Some components remain visible no matter the angle almost like it's a parent/child layering issue. None of these issues are consistent either. Each component's unique "failure" stays with that component, but each component will have its own unique glitch.
And now it has gotten worse. I just imported our first .STL file to use our own components. It imported just fine and still follows the transparency issue, however now the whole simulator is practically useless. It's almost as if there has been a plane of some kind created that as I zoom it slices the entire model and hides it. This means I can only see the model when zoomed out past the point of actually being able to use it. I have attached some screen shots to show both issues.
The first screenshot shows the layout from the side. I have highlighted some of the transparencies visible from this angle. The second picture shows the exact same layout, with everything in the exact same position, but from the top view. I have again highlighted the even worse transparencies here, but the real point of this angle is to show how the robot is vanishing behind layers even though it is clearly on top/in front of the them.
The next four pictures show the zoom/plane issue. Starting from zoomed out and progressively zooming in, you can see how the model is disappearing behind what looks like a flat plane.
Any suggestions? I have emailed KUKA, but in true KUKA fashion I have had no response and it is kind of holding me up at this point. I'm still in the set up and learning stage here and I can't even do that because these issues are bad enough to make it non-functional.
Any help is greatly appreciated.