How and where does ABB handle frameworks signals?
There are group outputs for process data to tell PLC which position i am dropping to in a drawer, positions 1-3. However the signals used to communicate position number is handled in frameworks, and from what i understand that logic is encoded and unreadable. Is there a way to modify GO/GI's outside of the background frameworks? And does that data reset?
Frameworks is a headache
Posts by MasterGrogu
I updated robot studio to the latest version and it solved my backup problem,
Yes my mistake, I am using Robot Studio. However, when I uncheck the archive box, the backup just fails immediately. What could be causing it to fail if you don't select 'Backup to archive file' ?
Greetings fellow techs and debuggers,
I have been taking backups on a ABB IRC5 controller, and this is the first time I have seen it in a .TAR file format. There is not anything I could find in the ABB manuals on file format for backups, but before I updated robot studio, usually it would just make the backup in my file manager as either a zip file or regular windows folder.
Is this something to do with the Robot Studio version or extensions? Or is this a way to save memory within robot studio? either way you can extract the files from the .TAR as you normally would with a 7zip file.
Could someone please expand on this small but tedious issue.