More info from operational Manual:
Table Cart
The cell has two servo controlled tables, these tables are controlled from the Fanuc robot programs. The servo tables are mounted to a cart that shuttles the tables in and out of the blast cabinet. This cart is controlled by the PLC and a DC drive in the electrical panel. The cart is designed so when one table is in the cabinet (Blast Position) the other table is out side of the cabinet (Load Position). The cart can be controlled in automatic or manual mode.
Servo Tables
The servo tables are cortrol from the robot program. These table can operate in two modes, in position mode the tables can be programed as a 7th axis of the robot to position the table in any position 0 – 360 degrees, In CTV mode (Continues Turn Velocilty) the table can spin
Can i work with Group Mask change for table?
also during userframe offse, there was option of motion group...i have attached pic below...
i guess it is linked with the rotation of table? do i need to do something here? any idea?
everything works find except table with below setup.
First Step:
Second Step:
Third Step: