I needed a tool to automate the archiving process for a KRC2 controller with v5.x software. So I did this small executable file which simulates the mouse clicks in order to trigger an "Archive->All" process. If you run it, you will notice that it simply simulates what you would do on a teach pendant. So if you want to use it to schedule your backups, you will have to use the Windows Scheduler (found under the "Panel Control" of Windows). But by default, the service is not running, so you will not be able to use the scheduler. To activate it, simply enable the service name called "Task Scheduler". You can find the service list again under the "Panel Control" then under "Administrative Tools" and "Services". Simply copy this executable file in a folder name of your choice under the C: drive for example and schedule something to run that executable file. Note that this will not work for OfficeLite, as I have program it for a KRC2 (v5.x) screen resolution and buttons positions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As usual, I offer no warranty () and you should use this only if you know what you are doing.
Hope this can be usefull to somebody else.
Where can I download the "mall executable file which simulates the mouse click"
mentioned by ASIMO?