Do you have the Karel option installed?
I ended up figuring the problem out. I needed to set up the IR Calibration. Once it was set up i was able to move the Fanuc robots with the Keyence Software as well as calibrate cameras and robot.
Do you have the Karel option installed?
I ended up figuring the problem out. I needed to set up the IR Calibration. Once it was set up i was able to move the Fanuc robots with the Keyence Software as well as calibrate cameras and robot.
Do you have the Karel option installed?
Yes I have Karel “R632” and User Socket Messaging “R648”. I can Ping Fanuc robot from Keyence Software side as well as get robots coordinates. Also cannot manually operate Fanuc robot from Keyence Software side as well as auto calibrate. When I request XYZ from robot I receive the data packet. When I auto calibrate I don’t get an error message on Fanuc robot but on Keyence Software I get a failed error message and to make sure I have full communication. I will check communication again and everything is fine. Cat 6 rated Ethernet cable and have checked with my Ethernet cable tool.
What kind of file is it? Is it a .TP or a .PC?
Can you post the Keyence setup program?
Do you have an email i can send to?
Like the file they sent for me to zip?
Hey all, I’m new to this so if this thread is being used sorry In advance. Anyway I have a R30ib Plus Fanuc that I’m trying to connect with Keyence CV-X camera system. So I have the program (Keyence Supplied) loaded into controller and all my IP setup and working. So I’m working with the Keyence Camera Programming Software and set up everything and when I go to run the auto calibration the Fanuc robot does nothing. I pinged the robot from Keyence software side and I have full communication. Keyence sent me a “Keyence Setup” program and it’s loaded onto controller, if this helps. Also keep in mind I’ve never used Keyence with Fanuc. Any suggestions would be super helpful! Thanks