The jump trick definitely works, thanks for that, and it looks like I'll probably go with that as its a lot cleaner than the switchcase I was using before, or worse, the separate job files that came before me; I just wish there was a way around having unused lines of code in the job file. When you've got 9 pairs of nearly identical movements to choose from, it seems like overkill to have to initialize each one every time just in case its used.
Posts by zim
Yes, as far as I can tell. I give it ///NPOS 0,0,0,22,0,0 and it rewrites it to ///NPOS 0,0,0,4,0,0 and drops all unspecified p-vars. I haven't had any luck finding documentation on header configuration though, so that was a line I had to stumble my way on to figuring out.
I'm new to robotics programming and I'm currently fighting with an fs100 to let me program a job the way I want it to.
I've got a job that sets an i-var before calling a second job, and that second job reads the i-var and moves to the corresponding p-var from the stack of p-vars I stuffed into the header...except that when I load the second job file into motosim it drops all p-vars from the header that I haven't specifically called in that job (P010 stays because I use MOVJ P010 VJ=20.00, but P003 seems to disappear because I only ever call MOVJ P[I000] VJ=20.00 that might equal P003). Is there a way around this or am I fighting a losing battle for the sake of a cleaner job file by not using a giant switchcase for a single move command?