* @copyright 2018 * @package de.3d-board.wcf.instagramprofilefield */class InstagramUserOptionOutput implements IUserOptionOutput { public function getOutput(User $user, UserOption $option, $value) { if (empty($value)) return ''; $url = StringUtil::encodeHTML('https://www.instagram.com/'.$value); $value = StringUtil::encodeHTML($value); return ''.$value.''; }} Fatal Error: unable to find class 'wcf\system\option\user\InstagramUserOptionOutput'

An error has occurred

Internal error code: d2f5a1fe966457ce3b89213bb587f465f621e5af

What happened?

An error has occurred while trying to handle your request and execution has been terminated. Please forward the above error code to the site administrator.


The error code can be used by an administrator to lookup the full error message in the Administration Control Panel via “Logs » Errors”. In addition the error has been written to the log file located at */log/2024-04-20.txt and can be accessed with an FTP program or similar.


Notice: The error code was randomly generated and has no use beyond looking up the full message.

System Information


Stack Trace