Typically model number for part is standard. You’ll have your master stack then inside you’ll call your A and B side jobs (assuming it’s a turn table style of sorts). Within your A and B side jobs you can call a certain program. I like to use “if then” statements. You will have an HMI I imagine so I would link up each part with a number to a B variable. So if let’s say part A is inputted into the HMI a b variable will change value. Your stack will start, choose what side it will go to, check to see if any part present sensors are on, and then since part A is on then B000=1(or something). Then in your stack you will have something like If B000=1 then call “partAsideA7402” your job “partAsideA7402” will then be your weld for that specific part on that specific side of the table.
Posts by FishersMoto
It is interesting. I use Python to make an new-old Yaskawa Inform II (super old robot language) robot do what I need
I am genuinely impressed. I envy the knowledge you have to pull off something like that. What kinds of things can you do? I unfortunately am not computer savvy but I am decent with robots, mostly on the mechanical end. I program DX100 mostly but I bought myself an XRC recently and I hate that I don’t have the expanded language options as a DX like the “if then” statements. Is it possible to makeif then” statements and such for an XRC?
a longer winded version is to say that i don't understand all of the withholding of information. is that how people behave at your workplace? no one would ever get anything done.
it's understandable if motoman support doesn't freely give out details for a few reasons, mainly safety from my perspective, but also for company nonsense reasons. if there's IP to protect, that's why you patent things. there's hardly a trade secret in how you communicate data around a robot, anyone who cares to work it out will. I can understand also about paid for option parameters not being shared (without paying that is). its clear that motoman must have tried to sue various websites, people, whoever over that situation, hence the gag order on this forum - fine. but it is not fine that machine control parameters are secret - that is ridiculous. i have fanuc machines, fadal machines, takisawa machines, all documentation and parameters are shared freely so you can just get your damn job done.
i post on forums with the opposite intention of spirit. i need some info or advice, and in return i try to share as much information about how something works or how i had success on my project as i can. i don't withhold information, or say i told you so after watching someone go thru learning what i already know. seems backwards to me. if you know better about the topic, just explain it fully, or expain it up to the point where you don't know more and say that.
for anyone playing along on installing an external axis for more than personal entertainment reasons, i will post about my base axis and how it all went. its going to work one way or the next. I did purchase a ballscrew and yaskawa servo (the one mentioned above), and may also buy the sgmgh version that does use serial 'dat' lines instead of straight encoder signals.
i will also be hooking up my linear motor setup prior to gutting it and putting that ballscrew on - because its the same sh* as the sgmg motor shown above. i'll be pretty bummed out about motoman, and some people on this forum if that setup works - to the extent that i won't be looking at motoman for future robotics projects. in the mean time, i'm willing to spend my money to get that linear motor or otherwise setup to work, and will be happy to share (here at least) what happened.
this is probably a good time to thank the guys who started / operate the robot forum; i have had good experiences on other forums in the past for different topics. Maybe you'll get some adverts money off my posts. so far i don't remember if i learned anything that i used to setup my robot from here yet though. maybe ironically the motoman manuals have been the main source of good information.
Thank you so much, even after all the hate to pursue an answer. No one appreciates people like you. Your drive until you get results is outstanding. But like the lightbulb, they never notice the 999th attempt. I just recently purchased a UP20 and I picked up a servo table for it. I’m not that smart but I’m learning and just being able to read your attempt, successful or not has been an eye opener for me. It’s a shame people gave you so much hate because they don’t understand how humans should be. Humans are the smartest thing on the planet because we can learn from each other. Young humans don’t have to re-invent the wheel for themselves, they can start their lives on the shoulders of giants.
YEAH, robot not dead. and a big shout out to Motoman tech support, Everyone of them that i talked too was super nice and totally awesome. Even today when i had to do a complete new setup in Japanese. Also google translate is pretty amazing, not totally amazing, but it got the job done, Translating in real time from the pendant in Japanese to english , while at the same time talking to tech support.
My problems are pretty simple. i was replacing the batteries, and i unplugged the CMOS battery while the XRC was powered down, and that is all it takes to mind wipe a Yaskawa robot back to factory fresh, Japanese language only.
oh and i am not sure but there may have been a leg of 3phase power that was under voltage.
I am running a rotary phase converter at 220v 3phase into the transformer and tapping 220v 3phase out of the transformer, so i think the transformer was causing just enough voltage drop to maybe not let the system boot up. but i am not sure about that. But easy enough to fix, just bypass the transformer completely. and no more under spec voltage on the one leg.
i also learned that the high leg on the rotary phase converter is the manufactured leg. i had that backwards in my head.
I mistakenly thought that the single phase legs would me bumped up in voltage by the manufactured leg, but i guess it is just the opposite. the manufactured leg is the highest voltage, . My end result on leg voltage is 243 on 1,2, 222 on 1,3 and 208 on 2,3, which is good enough.
I still have to make up a new 3p cell for the encoder memory, then i should be up and running.
Okay so I am in the exact same boat. I just bought an XRC UP6 and I only have 240v single phase. I am not proficient enough to know exactly how to do all of this. I also came across the rotary converter and that seems to be my best option. Does your robot move well and everything? If so, what model/rating do I need to look at to make it work?