Posts by Anirudh

    Hello all,

    Thanks for your responses.

    Fubini I have attached the code below. Yes, I was first trying to see it in display->variable->single but was not successful. Then I did display->variable->overview, and there I was able to see the counter updating while the program was running.

    SkyeFire KSS version I was trying on was 8.6.8. Yes, I tried the two ways I mentioned above. I already tried with the circular arrows not crossed out, and the result was the same - it was not updating the counter while the robot was running.

    panic mode Thank you for your advice. I declared the counter variable as global and now I can see it updating in display->variable->single while the robot is running.

    Thanks again guys for your support and suggestions!!



    I have issue with the counter, whether I use a variable 'c' or use $count_i[10]. I cannot see the value being updated continuously in it, for example, if I want to see current counter number during a process in auto mode I cannot see it.

    Any solution for that?

    Hello Everyone,

    I have been working on Fanuc 30iB Plus controller and somehow IO Configuration of it was disturbed and we had load using auto config. But it seems that robot is not taking the configuration correctly and the DI, DO, UI and UO are now coming as invalid. We are not using any communication protocol and currently working on hard-wiring. IO cables that we are using are CRMA5A and CRMA5B.

    I want help in setting up the ioconfig screen for Digital and UOP IOs. What rack and slot number should be used for this kind of setup?




    A simple way to to this is teach the points you want to shift, for example you can use points P[1], P[2], p{3], etc.

    Now make a copy of these points in the position registers using command -> PR[1] = P[1]

    Then you can use the following command to shift the point by as many times as you need ->

    PR[GP1:1,3] = PR[GP1:1,3]-10

    Here, GP is the group that you are using, for manipulator it is 1 generally, and you can add if you are adding more external axes. 1,3 tells that you want to shift 'Point 1' in z direction (3 is for z direction, x-1, y-2,z-3). Finally 10 at the end tells you need to move down by 10mm.

    After this command you can give a motion command using PR and can change it further if you need to repeat the motion multiple times.

    In spline motions you can do "time based move" motion commands directly. Just lookup documentation. Should be in the system integrators manual.



    I tried to look into various manuals regarding the spline blocks and motions, but didn't get anything useful. I want to know if there is anything similar to the ABB command i attached below. If you could help me with the manual you were referring, it would be great.


    Several years ago, I wrote a program to generate spirals/ellipses/circles mathematically as a series of many small LIN motions. Wouldn't be hard to modify it to vary the speed per segment.

    An updated version using Spline motions would probably work even better, and maybe require fewer points.

    Thanks alot. Will definitely be useful!!


    I want a motion in kUKA KRC4 from point A to point B to be time controlled rather than speed controlled. I want that the linear motion must be completed in the mentioned time period rather than mentioning the velocity of the motion. I have heard of such a concept in ABB robot, curious whether KUKA also gives any such feature or not.


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