Posts by smith_scott
What are you trying to do? Share your details and we might have alternate suggestions.
I've never used it,but I believe there is a function that allows you to specify a linear speed and also a rotation amount. I think it's meant for "mixing" applications where you want to specify an RPM of the t-axis...
Don't quote me on any of this... I just recall this seeing something alone those lines.
the command YppSetPosVarData will allow you to write a p-variable with the data you have specified in your app.
Rx, Ry, Rz refer to the consecutive rotations about X,Y,Z
Euler co-ordinates are an option but typically found when using multi-pass welding.
If in fact you are using the NXC controller then you won't be able to use MotoPlus. The kinetiq product is based off of M+
MotoCOM will be your best option.
In an overly simplified description, the kinetiq product determines direction of force and then has the robot perform an incremental move in the direction of the force.
I'm uncertain of what you are actually using... MH5 robot does not go on the NXC controller... Your desire to use MotoPLUS function won't work because you have a NXC platform. The M+ option is available only on DX or FS platforms. You have to use MotoCOM option/Ethernet server which is what I believe you are now doing.
1) Yes this is possible and quite commonly done
2) External axis are extra motors to control other equipment such as a rotary positioner, base axis slide, etc...
3) The user frame location ultimately stores as X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz values of it's location in space in base frame. When the operator teaches the user frame, we first teach the Origin. This gives us the X, Y, Z values but we need to teach the X direction (XX) and the Y direction (XY). When you do this, the controller is then able to calculate the Rx, Ry, Rz values of the frame.
The XY value is not as critical as it ultimately just controls the direction of the Z axis... up or down
4) I'm not sure if MotoCOM allows you to do conversions like this... but I've done it in excel... i'm sure you could re-create this in your application. You just need to know the gear box information for your particular robot type.
5) Motoman has the Kinetiq product that measures the force applied to the EOAT and moves the robot according to the direction of force. Because the robot is in teach mode it is therefore safe and user friendly. Do you plan on having the robot in automatic mode or manual mode (teach) when the force is applied?
You need to buy it
No longer possible....
If any purchased option parameters are modified then it will not load. -
The teach pendant oscilloscope function might be what your looking for. You can plot the results to CSV file.
Use a PL = 0 at the end of your MOV command to ensure that it is exactly at the desired position
Speed and torque monitor is the basis of the gearbox monitoring function available on the DX100.
What are you wanting to accomplish?
No there is not a specific signAl. You could pulse an output instead.
Well there is a specific signal when the robot is in motion. That's the closest I think you can find.
Or perhaps monitor the current step number.
The DX200 main feature is the improvements related to safety functions such as FSU, Safety over EIP, DNET, ProfiNet, etc...
Yaskawa code has been removed as well.
The error 2100 comes up as COMMAND REMOTE MODE NOT ENABLED
Verify that the controller is actually in remote mode by the use of the key switch
Under PSEUDO INPUTS there is an input labelled COMMAND REMOTE. Make sure that is turned on.
The combination of the PSEUDO input and the keyswitch should get you going
NX does not support IF/ELSE structure language commands. It is only available on DX and newer.
This would have to be developed in MotoPLUS... do able but maybe more then your willing to tackle at this point ?
What do you consider to be "real-time"
It takes about 4 ms to execute the GETPOS command. This will simply just store the current position into a p-variable. Now you have to push it to an M register so you can send it out over field bus. All in all, it will probably take 20 ms to push it out and then from here your subject to communication time to your PLC (or other device). So.... for some people this doesn't qualify as "real-time"
There is not any method of reading the time and date from the INFORM language.
You could develop this by using MotoPLUS. This would be something you develop on your PC, compile it and then reload into the robot. But even still... there is similar delays. It all just depends on your definition of real-time.
I don't know of many applications that would require this... and I must say I am curious. Can you post more details of your project.
post the link so everyone can see it
I believe he wants to use the MACHINE LOCK function. This will allow run of the robot without manipulator motion. I've seen this used with glue dispensing applications to allow the glue to dump out.
- Set robot in play mode
- Select your job
- Select the utility menu from the top menu bar
- Select completeThis can also be switched on via PLC is desired.
DX200 will have this feature.... but not the DX100....
The breakout hardware is required if you plan to use the rapid inputs.
What I've also done in the past is use a 2 zone laser switch
Robot moves at a fast pace until the first zone input comes on
Robot moves at a slower pace until the second zone input comes on
Both these methods use standard MOV UNTIL