UOP is being used. The operator has to turn a key, has 2 resets, then swipes their finger on a sensor to start the robot.
Posts by Searchligt_1
Hello everyone,
I am trying to use the pause command to halt the robot in the middle of its program so that the operator can interact with the part. Once they are done, they can reset the robot and have it resume its path. I have tried inserting the pause command into the main program; the robot stops and will not start back up. There is a sub-program that is called in the main program with the pause command, and it behaves correctly. The robot will stop, the operator changes tools, they reset the robot and the robot begins running again. I don't know why it works in the sub program, and not in the main.
You can get your DI's to turn on by using "I/O Interconnections" which is under the Cell drop down at the top. If you've ever used Interconnect on the pendant then this is the same concept.
Essentially what you'll want to do is tie other signals on your main robot from the same main robot or another robot/device in your virtual workcell to the DI's you need to use.
For example...under I/O Interconnections you could tell Roboguide that you want DO:102 of Robot Controller 1 to control DI:2 of Robot Controller 1.
This worked. However, now when I run the program it freezes on a variable file and I have to force quite. Time to figure that out
Thank you all for your help
All my DI's are OFF. In tutorial videos I have been watching, they have DI's that are ON without simulating them. I am trying to figure that out.
Hello all,
Sorry for the late response, I am new to all this so I have been learning as I go and will try to explain it as best I can. My I/O's are configured correctly. I am currently trying to find the Logic Simulation Assistant option but can't find it anywhere in my Roboguide/Help ( TomFoolious). Another forum thread said its in the test-run drop down, but I don't see it. I haven't tried Daxos332's or HawkME's solutions yet.
1. Did you create the Roboguide cell from a backup of the robot?
2. What do you mean the "inputs and outputs are not turning on/off like they should"? Does this mean you can't turn the DOs on and off in your program?
3. What behavior do you expect from the DIs? In Roboguide they are not getting any signals from sensors so they will remain off.
1. I did create the cell from a backup of the robot.
2. I guess what I expected was that when I run Roboguide (after creating the cell from the backup), all the appropriate DI/DO would be 'on'/'off' like it is on the robot.
3. The programs require that some DI be on, so I simulate them as on. When I do that, the program breaks and I have to reset Roboguide. If I don't simulate them, then the program doesn't run.
Hello all,
I am trying to create a work cell in Roboguide that is identical to the robot cell we have on our premises. I have everything in place but my inputs and outputs are not turning on/off like they should. I have uploaded all the programs from the robot, including diocfgsv.io, but all inputs and outputs are off. We don't simulate any ports on the robot and when I try to simulate them as 'ON' in Roboguide, the program breaks and I have to restart. Any thoughts?