Posts by Gocea
Try to use a new HDD without any protection
I used SSD for the new OS installation. This SSD works fine when the original Kuka HDD is cloned on it. So, the problem during OS installation is not connected with the SSD has been used, probably.
I found difference at the SSD boot.ini file, comparing with the boot.ini file at the original HDD, as a possible reason why the OS installation does not continue after reboot.
... /noexecute/Alwaysoff at the SSD boot.ini
... /noexecute/pcilock at the HDD boot.ini
Your oppinion?
The only method I'm aware of is to completely re-install Windows using the KUKA Windows install CD, followed by re-installing KSS from the KUKA install media, then restoring a backup.
Hello SkyeFfire,
I just tried to reinstall WinXPe2.2. All installation stages has been performed, Resolution adjustment, Partitioning, etc., except the last one Finishing installation, where after the automatic restart, Windows does not load and the final setup can not be performed.
The following steps have been tried:
1. Rebooting with loaded standard Bios values;
2. Rebooting with disconnected CD drive.
HD formatting has been done before installing the OS.
My question is, what could be wrong there? The original Kuka Hdd contains Kuka.CPC software which prevents unauthorized installation of additional software. In that direction is there a possibility for any protection from a new OS installation, also?
If you don't mind, just one brief question, is there a way to repair Windows XPe Os, something like repair option using installation Cd at Windows XP Os ?
Thanks in advance.
This option is mainly used on robots in the automotive industry.
Existing certificates should be under C:\PROGRAM FILES\KUKA.CPC\APPCACHE. File extension .appcert.
Before uninstalling the option, please make an image of the hard disk.
Exactly, the robot came from automotive industry and the purpose of the KUKA.CPC option package is as it was clearly described.
The main problem is that there is no way to uninstall KUKA.CPC ! ("It's not allowed to de-install this software !").
Maybe not compatible with Option KUKA.CPC.
I would ask, what are the consequences for the controller proper working if KUKA.CPC is uninstalled prior to installation of other software and the opposite, if KUKA.CPC is installed again when the other software is previously uninstalled ?
what does it do?
there is no mention of it on Xpert:For example, KUKA.Applications must be previousely installed for subsequent KUKA.CamRob installation!
You are absolutely right.
- Features „ Executable files are checked before running ...
btw what is the "KUKA.ApplicationsKRC_1.2"? I do not see it on Xpert listed as option that is supported by KSS5.6
KUKA.Applications KRC 1.2 is option to KUKA KRC 5.x.
if the checksum is still the same than file is ok and something else that is at play. perhaps there is some execution prevention on the robot or something else is corrupted...
- KUKA.Applications was successfully installed at VM with XPe SP2, KSS5.6.9 (at the controller is installed XPe SP3, KSS5.6.12);
- XchgFile.exe from the controller was compared with the original XchgFile.exe, the both files remains the same;
- Kuka C as well as D drive was checked against system errors and bad sectors, no error was found;
May we conclude that the problem (XchgFile.exe execution restriction / XchgFile.exe is not a valid Win32 application) comes from:
1. SP3
2. Present TP installations ?
Obviosely, I do not understand how checksums works in details, just in general, to verify that the installation files fingerprints are same as the predicted ones that are written in CD.MD5 of that installation package. A kind of checking, are some of the installation files changed, deleted or corupted.
As attachement is the content of the CD.MD5, if it could eventually provide additional details for the problem.
Just in brief. I checked the CD.MD5 at Windows 7 Pc, before transfering the TP files to the XPe D drive trough Usb. I followed the MD5Sums software option for checking the TP folder according the CD.MD5. No error was shown so far, and I'm not sure what additionally I could done using this software. I'll post the CD.MD5 content later.
When I tried to perform the same check (using MD5Sums software) to the TP files transfered to the XPe D drive, I received the same error for the MD5Sums .exe file:
... md5sums.exe is not a valid Win32 application !
Perhaps, there is a comon .exe problem in the XPe Os.
I checked it previously, there is no problem regarding files consistency.
just follow panic mode's suggestion. I am using the tool md5summer
First you can check contents of the usb stick (if used) and afterwards the copied version on hdd.setup.exe is following some list of steps and every step need to be ok.
in your case clearly things are not going well as some files are missing
I found the problem, but not the solution for it.
The Windows does not recognise "XchgFile.exe" as valid Win32 application and delete it during the TP installation.
Your experience in solving this problem ?
just follow panic mode's suggestion. I am using the tool md5summer
First you can check contents of the usb stick (drive u:) and afterwards the copied version on hdd.
On drive you have the folder "KUKA_OPT". I normally copy the complete TP manually from usd to hdd and check md5Thank you both for your support. I just checked the MD5, manualy. The MD5 content correspodent to each file from the installation package, so no file is missing according to MD5. MD5Summer tool will be used, too.
Same, the complete Tech. package content is copied to D:\KUKA_OPT, manualy.
I'll give another installation try soon. I'll give attention to the notified error and try to find a way, XchgFile.exe file to be copied to the right place.
The reason of your problem is stated in this line:
21:54:38 #CopyFiles: D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\Krcupd\XchgFile.exe - C:\KRC_OPTION\APPLICATIONS\UNINST\Internat\Krcupd\XchgFile.exe ... no file found!
Search that file and put in the directory mentioned and try setup again
Actually, the file XchgFile.exe exists in D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\Krcupd\..., but I did not check is it was transfered to C:\KRC_OPTION\APPLICATIONS\UNINST\Internat\Krcupd\....
I think the problem is in installation request for certain files that do not exist in Setup.ini.:
21:54:36 !Section 'Exec4' not found in 'D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\KrcUpd\~SP5C.tmp'.
21:54:36 !Section 'ShortCuts' not found in 'D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\KrcUpd\~SP5C.tmp'.
21:54:36 !Section 'Delete0' not found in 'D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\KrcUpd\~SP5C.tmp'.
21:54:36 !Section 'WinDir' not found in 'D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\KrcUpd\~SP5C.tmp'.
21:54:36 !Section 'Dependencies' not found in 'D:\KUKA_OPT\APPLICATIONS\Internat\KrcUpd\~SP5C.tmp'.
Where this request for these files comes from, during installation?
As attachement is the Setup.ini(txt).
Hello fellows, new software installation support is needed. Krc2, Kss 5.6.12.
I just tried to install new optional software KUKA.Aplications V1. 2.7 (Usertech 2.4.1 was already installed).
The new software was successfully prepared for installation. After Cold restart, an error was reported.
As attachement is the log-file "V1_2_7_Applications_Setup-4.txt". As it can be seen in the log-file, some files could not be found during installation, such as 'Exec 4', 'ShortCuts',.... Where should be the problem? Does the already installed optional software packages could have some influence in this software installation, or the new software setup files are incomlete?
Your oppinion?
This thread is solved by reinstalling the KSS, without reinstaling the existing OS. Hard drive has been checked and repaired from error/bad sector previosely.
Thanks to all participants in this thread.