thanks i didn`t know that. i will have to talk to my customer about that...
thanks i didn`t know that. i will have to talk to my customer about that...
Hi community,
i am commissioning a fanuc robot with phoenix contact profinet board. It is device to the plc and controller for an attached CPX module aswell. I´ve already successfully done two robots but they only had digital I/O modules. Now there`s two, having analog input modules and i can´t find any hints if i have to change the dev_config.dt file accordingly.
In one screenshot you can see my configuration in PLCNect Engineering software. I have one byte digital inputs and one 4 bit analogue input module, aswell as a 4 bit pneumatic module.
In the other screenshot you can see my dev_config.dt and i wonder if i have to insert a line between 4&5 that says something like "slot[1].ai_byte = 1"
In the manual there`s no differentiation shown, only digital IO´s were displayed.
So, do i have to update my file?
Thanks in advance and a very easy weekend for everyone
Thank you, that made it click on my head 😅
Hi all,
i´m wondering if the normal monitor function
would still run if the IMSTP command is used to stop all robot programs (CSTOPI for abort = TRUE; Abort all programs by CSTOPI = TRUE) before the monitoring has been ended by command.
I did not find the answer in documentations til now
Robi3 is correct on the steps for importing Fanuc backups.
Be sure when you're exporting a Fanuc backup from the teach pendant, you're exporting from the (MD:). This will put various encrypted files in a readable state for Process Simulate. Once you export the backup from the teach pendant, be sure to zip it. Then proceed to import it with Process Simulate.
how can you export to MD? Mine said it`s protected
okay solved it myself.
I didnt choose the IF Statement with those brackets. With brackets, the JMP after IF is allowed.
Hi, i am working with two team robots, R-1000 iA 80 F. Version 7.70.
I try to create something in BG logic but am always being stopped by the system errors.
The program should, according to R7 value, set one of two outputs to a default minimum.
Line 4 in the picture is working, while Line 6 creates an error when i try to run the BG program.
LBL 4 is at the end of the program, LBL 2 in the middle.
Screenshot 2023-06-27 134709.png
Can anyone tell me why ?
When i try to call sub programs i run into the same error. It wouldn´t allow calls or some jumps.
my logic is now as follows:
i reset the flags bag/sheet needed and pulse the DO"layer ready" after the robot has been in the box.
in my background logic, i ask for
IF DI"layer ready=TRUE AND !Flag THEN
i will test it today thanks for the input
how do you like this :
If Bag Robot has palletized and counts up layercount register, then pulse DO & Flag[Bag needed]= OFF
-> Cb Robot BG Logic: if signal from BH Robot=TRUE, then Flag[layer needed] =!Flag[layer needed]
If layer robot has palletized, then pulse DO & Flag[layer needed] = OFF
-> Bag robot BG Logic: if signal from layer robot=TRUE, then Flag[bag needed]=!Flag[bag needed]
When pallet is reset or counter =0, then Bag Robot DO pulse, to trigger:
-> Cb Robot BG Logic: if signal from BH Robot=TRUE, then Flag[layer needed] =!Flag[layer needed]
use the Flags bag/layer needed to enter box area or wait for that flag
the bag robot sends his layer value to the layer robot after he´s done palletizing with one layer. The layer robot uses the group input to calc his target height.
R[Z height]=GI[layer counter]*R[part height]
it´s possible that the boxes are moved to the side, in the middle of a cycle and i have to meet starting conditions again (layer on the bottom) while the group input still sends the layer from the last palletized layer. It´s only actualized when the bag robot has been working...
First it has been like, no layer on the bottom. That´s why i programmed it like this. now they changed everything and i have to meet those crazy conditions
Hello all,
I have a problem with two robots. ARC Mate 120iD/35, further known as bag robot and one ARC Mate 100iD , the layer robot.
The task is to palletize bags in a box, whenever the counter of bags is so far that a layer counter is calced one up, the other robot should insert an intermediate layer, but also at the very beginning once under all coming bags.
Intelligence is on the robots, PLC is not controlling anything.
The Layer robot deposits his layer first, turns on his signal "ready for bag" then comes the bag (1 or 2 bags per layer, depending on type) robot, on his way to the box, he turns off the permission for the layer robot. He turns it on again, when actual layer is fully palletized. after that, everything works perfect.
My problem is to allow the one robot to enter before the process begins, and find solutions for all coming cases.
Currently I have it so that the intermediate layer robot in the initialization switches the signal for the bag robot off, so that he does not palletize first, and the bag robot switches the signal for the layer robot on, so that the layer robot can deposit at the bottom first.
The problem now is that the layer robot moves infinitely often to the first position, if for some reason the bag robot is too slow, because the signal for the layer robot is only switched off when it is on its way into the box.
I need some way to control that and can´t find a solution because, if i use a counter value, i match that condition once and never after.
Next issue - i have to solve it tomorrow :-/
Thanks for all of you who took their time to read and maybe give some input!
maybe try using different weight setups, different centers of gravity could adjust ACC and deceleration to fit your one sided setups...
meanwhile I figured as much, but thanks for your reply!
thanks for the addition kwakisaki
in my still limited experience i forgot to mention that explicitely!
It should be unlikely that DCS config is the reason for that issue cause it has run before.
Get an ASCII backup from a time where program still ran, and then do a ASCII backup from now, where it causes that issue.
Install WinMerge or a comparable program and compare both, new with old code. Could give you a hint of where to apply changes
when the robot has run before, one could assume, there has been a change to a movement command like the original command could have been something like :
L P[1: "point-name"] 4000mm/sec FINE or CONT
where it was
L P[1: "point-name"] 300mm/sec FINE or CONT
I think you need to find either the faulty command or you need one trained programmer to adjust your DCS values. There are more options to limit the speed in DCS so maybe there is just a wrong configured option
Okay that's already been the answer, thanks. DCS is installed, I just didn't know if I needed both. Thanks
300 mm/sec is pretty slow. What's the speed in one such movement command where the robot generates that fault? And what's the general override while it's executed? Many robots make up to 4000mm/sec so for example if you call a movement with 10 % speed in that command and you run it with 100% override... that's still more than your DCS allows the robot to.
Hi all,
I need to set up Fanuc robots via Ethernet IP, including safety. Now that I know that should be the rack 36 slot 10 (or 11?), do I need to configure these DI/DOs or are they always ready to operate? When PLC sends true or false, will it be recognized without configuring some byte via rack 36 slot 11/10?
Greetings and many thanks to all
UOP in and outputs