1BC, 2BC, 3BC
Yaskawa only
1BC, 2BC, 3BC
Yaskawa only
You can use SHIFT instructions (SFTON and SFTOF)
In the manual attached you can find many instructions for inform language
Search in the safety logic of the robot, #81321 should be MS-OUT02.
In the link WeTranser below there is the document in which you can find #80xxx and search for #81321
Unfortunately we don't have the search input board, that would be perfect!
From what I understand, the search function is used to search for a point with certain coordinates and the movement stops when the point is found or when a direct RIN input is on/off (based on how it has been set), correct?
To be faster I think you can use the SEARCH function with DIRECT INPUT.
You can find something in the forum, for example here
I have never used it and I don't know if the search input board is standard with your robot
Hello Eurus,
Using the laser you know the distance between the fixed position and the object.
This value is how much you should move to reach your object with the laser.
In this way you don't use MOVL UNTIL..but only MOVL.
Other way you can use a system job that reads the distance continuosly.
You use a DO to know when the distance is 0, and in the LADDER you can map the output with the input.
DOUT OT #(33) ON
MOVL P000 UNTIL IN#(33) = ON
STR# 30070
OUT# 20070
If you have defined your tool as the center of the spot of the laser, when the laser value is = 0 the laser (tool) is in contact with your object
Which type of sensor are you using on robot tool?
You might be able to adjust that parameter from the BG logic based on the IO you have configured in that reference position, then change it back as soon as the robot moves out of that position.
Thanks! Which instruction should I use to adjust the parameter?
Can't I do this only for my home position?
It will automatically after 20 seconds.
Robot Brakes
$Param_Group.$SV_OFF_ALL If True, automatic servo on/off will be applied to all axis
If False, automatic will be applied to individual axis in $sv_off_enb (set to false for bad motor brake)
$SV_OFF_ENB Controls whether or not each servo uses a timed servo shutdown, used with $sv_off_timer to shutoff servos (set each axis to false for bad motor brake)
$SV_OFF_TIME Defines the time interval, in milliseconds, after which the servo motors are shut down.
Thanks! So if the robot has not moved for the time set in $SV_OFF_TIME, servo motors are shut down wherever is the robot?
Hi, I'm new with Fanuc.
I would like to turn the servo off when the robot is in home position.
How can I do?
can I enable interrupt always when the robot robot is in run?
I mean, I set EI at the top of master job, but if:
- I move the key from remote to teach and then to remote again
- select another job and start the robot, EI doesn't work.
My aim is to have EI always enable.
Can someone help me?
Yes, exactly
Can you save your ladder out and post it as a text file. Without looking at the ladder or even knowing the application, it is impossible to troubleshoot.
On applications where Yaskawa has the hold standard in the ladder, it is on the system side not editable by the end user. Yaskawa will have a 70000 series auxiliary relay on the user side that you could parallel around with your 20000 series external input.
My guess would be that in the circuit you wrote the rung is being sealed up and not broken.
That's my problem witn NX100.
I want to hold the robot with PLC so I use the #40067 (EXT.HOLD) to do it in profibus.
#40067 is mapped in the ladder and when the input is on the robot is in external holding.
The problem is that when the input is off, external holding goes off, but #50071 (hold lamp) is still on. So robot can't go in running and the external start is prohibited.
Hi guys!
In my program i'm not using the input CALL MASTER JOB, so the operator has to select the MAIN. Can I link the switching of the key from TEACH or PLAY to REMOTE to the page of the MAIN program? In order to avoid that the operator select a wrong job.
I'm working with NX100
Select Job --> Job --> Folder Change (not valid for NX100)
It is S2C383.
=0 No change
=1 Operator
=2 Editing
=3 Management
And which is the parameter for NX100?
How can I enable PSTART instruction on NX100?
In can't find it in control instruction.
I set expanded language.
Thanks for your reply ljuba!
No, it didn't work because the gripper origin has been drawn not in the centre of the part of the gripper that attaches to the flange, but in a casual position.
So when I SET ORIGIN POS in 0, 0, 0 the gripper origin moves in 0, 0, 0 but the gripper is however far away.
I solved it by opening the igs or stp file and changing the origin.
By my experience, I think that when we import stp or igs file, as the gripper in this case, in order to mate it with flange is important to have the right origin frame of the file.