Posts by Weronika
I need to be able to run a KAREL program continuously in the background, that listens for a KAREL variable (or perhaps we will look into using a flag for this) that signifies an abort all request. Using a background logic program would be perfect, but KAREL programs sadly cannot be used here. I have tried to use a hot start autoexec program that calls a 'listener' KAREL program with the infinite loop, however this autoexec program still blocks the execution of other KAREL/TP programs which we need for the robot's regular functionality (TPIF-013 Other program is running). I am not sure what other options I have to implement this functionality, all options seems to get stuck on the fact that a program that is running and needs to be aborted blocks the execution of the abort_all program... Any suggestions would be appreciated.
What is your $SCR.$MAXNUMTASK variable? Maybe increasing this variable and using autoexec will solve your problem.
Try this from R-30iB_Plus_KAREL_reference_manual:
CodeSET_PORT_ASG(log_port_type, log_port_no, rack_no, slot_no, phy_port_type, phy_port_no, n_ports, status)
in] log_port_type : INTEGER
[in] log_port_no : INTEGER
[in] rack_no : INTEGER
[in] slot_no : INTEGER
[in] phy_port_type : INTEGER
[in] phy_port_no : INTEGER
[in] n_ports : INTEGER
[out] status : INTEGER
• log_port_type specifies the code for the type of port to be assigned. Codes are defined in
KLIOTYPS.KL.• log_port_no specifies the number of the port to be assigned.
• rack_no is the rack containing the port module. For process I/O boards, memory-image, and
dummy ports, this is zero; for Allen-Bradley and Genius ports, this is 16.
• slot_no is the slot containing the port module. For process I/O boards, this is the sequence in
the SLC-2 chain. For memory-image and dummy ports, this is zero; for Allen-Bradley and
Genius ports, this is 1.
• phy_port_type is the type of port to be assigned to. Often this will be the same as log_port_type .
Exceptions are if log_port_type is a group type ( io_gpin or io_gpout ) or a port is assigned
to memory-image or dummy ports.
• phy_port_no is the number of the port to be assigned to. If log_port_type is a group, this is the
port number for the least-significant bit of the group.
• n_ports is the number of physical ports to be assigned to the logical port. If log_port_type is a
group type, n_ports indicates the number of bits in the group. When setting digital I/O, n_ports is
the number of points you are configuring. In most cases this will be 8, but may be 1 through 8.
• status is returned with zero if the parameters are valid. Otherwise, it is returned with an error
code. The assignment is invalid if the specified port(s) do not exist or if the assignment of
log_port_type to phy_port_type is not permitted. -
Nation did it with passunlocker.pc
In the Internet Option Setup and Operation Manual it says " use TD:RESPONSE.HTM for any new application using Karel programs and the Web Server"
Here is my suggestion for the code :
Display MorePROGRAM GETREG %NOLOCKGROUP VAR entry: INTEGER status, sts: INTEGER int_data: INTEGER file1:FILE real_value:REAL target:STRING[20] BEGIN GET_REG(1,FALSE, int_data, real_value, status) CNV_INT_STR(int_data, 2, 0,target) OPEN FILE file1 ('RW', 'TD:RESPONSE.HTM') sts = IO_STATUS(file1) IF sts = 0 THEN WRITE file1 ('R[1] = ',target,CR) ENDIF CLOSE FILE file1 END GETREG
I have the newest version of ROBOGUIDE, and robot which was bought from second-hand. I made a backup and can't open it in ROBOGUIDE. The version of the controller is V7.20P/34. In ROBOGUIDE is only V7.20P/46 version of virtual controller. I' ve contacted with local Fanuc, and asked them to send me files, but they don't have my version of virtual robot controller.
Hello everyone
I've tried create a new cel from file backup and there was a message "The file backup requires H590 which is not supported".
Does anyone know how to solve this problem
? I made a new cell from file backup from other robot and everything was fine.