But I did manage to find StartKRC.exe that did the same thing 10 min. after I created this thread
StartKRC.exe and SmartHMI.exe are two different things.
But I did manage to find StartKRC.exe that did the same thing 10 min. after I created this thread
StartKRC.exe and SmartHMI.exe are two different things.
I have that issue regularly since KSS 8.5. I contacted Kuka about it and they are aware of the bug but apparently still not resolved.
You can restart the SmartHMI from running SmartHMI.exe located in C:\KRC\SmartHMI.
Hi everyone,
After months and months, I finally have an answer on this weird behaviour.
My problem was coming from the fact I was skipping the init which within the bas init reset all variables used by the RSI for weaving.
As I was manually teaching the path and touching up some points when restarting from the start of the path without going through init, it messed up with the weaving path overlap.
Hope this will help futur users.
Thanks for your replies.
Indeed, I needed to add them via the KRCConfigurator. See below the procedure for info:
• User group: Admin
• Windows interface (Minimize HMI)
• Administrator rights in Windows
The template is now available as a template on the HMI.
Hi everybody,
I'm working on a KR C4 with KSS 8.6 and KR8 R2100 with ArcTech Basic and Advance 3.3.
I would like to create 2 custom modules for my customer so when creating a new program they can select either of those 2 modules depending on which "side" they are working on.
I noticed that there is a folder in C/KRC/Roboter/Template where I added those 2 new templates but it doesn't show up in the template list when creating a new file.
Is there somewhere else I should add these 2 new templates?
Thanks in advance
The welding system is a Fronius TPSi400 with a push pull CMT - sorry I didn't think that was relevant.
The program was done with simulation at first and I tried to create a new program this time all by hand but with the same issue.
The shifting is happening in along the axis of the positioner (see the video and sketch in the attach file of my first post which gives a better understanding).
It depends if you are using the interface X13 or the Ethernet Safety interface (See below extract from SafeOp 3.5 manual).
Hi all,
I resolved my problem, the safety bit 2.1 (VRED) was set low by the PLC therefore activating the reduced velocity.
Hi all,
I'm working on a KR6 R700-2 controlled by a KR C4 (KSS 8.6) including SafeOperation 3.5 and GripperSpotTech 5.0.
I noticed that the robot isn't going to its max speed - where is it possible I have my points as SPTP motions and at 100%.
I disabled the safe monitoring within the safety config and there you go the robot was moving to speed that I'm more used to. To give you an idea, my cycle time is 5.88s with safe monitoring ticked and 3.02s with safe monitoring unticked.
The cartesian max velocity was set to 4m/s so I increased it to 10m/s (with slight adjustments to my tool spheres setting) but I don't measure any improvement.
Maybe I'm missing something and my experience with SafeOp is limited.
Any idea on what I could try?
Thanks in advance
Hi everybody,
I'm commissioning a KR8 R2010-2 with a DKP-400-V1 controlled by a KR C4 (KSS 8.6) including ArcTechBasic 3.3, ArcTechAdvanced 3.3, TouchSense 3.2, ArcSense 3.3 (and RSI 4.1).
As part of the commissioning, we are providing 5 recipes including a pipe to pipe (butt joint with 5mm gap between the pipes).
The fixture is installed on the positioner, with the positioner at 90deg and rotating 360deg while the robot is "staying in position" (see attached zip file containing images, video and program for a clearer explanation). The working base of this program is link to the positioner base.
Because of the nature of the weld, weaving is required but after a 1/4 turn the path shifts (see the sketch and the video - sorry for the quality of the video the environment light was a bit dark).
If I remove the weaving, the path is fine and doesn't shift but as soon as I add the weaving this shift happens.
I contacted Kuka support about it, they asked to update ArcTech package but instead of shifting after a 1/4 turn now it shifts after 1/2 turn. They came back saying that it might comes from the touch sensing corrections but this is one of the first thing I tested (commenting out all corrections) which resulted in the same shifting - they haven't came back since then and this is an open issue since start of December.
Does anyone encountered similar issue? Or anybody have any suggestions I could try?
Thanks for your help
74. Welding application KUKA.TouchSense related:
Reference points of touch sensing are currently expressed in World Base and not in the working base.
If for some reason it is necessary to physically move the fixture of the workpiece then when offsetting the working base to reflect that physical displacement, all touch sensing points have to be re-taught which is very very tedious and labour intensive when talking about large parts.
Why not having those touch sensing reference points expressed into the working base instead?
Thanks panic mode and Mentat
With the Covid situation, I have followed the robot programming 2 manual (from a colleague manual) but didn't get the chance yet to have the training class.
. that declaration tells to robot to call stop isr when fault is detected.
Ok but why is it declared as GLOBAL INTERRUPT? I understand why in the template module because they can be used in a main program but cell.src isn't suppose to be the highest level?
panic mode, Yes I noticed that during my testing phase. Do you know what is the reason?
One of my colleagues said that it's because it wouldn't know where to Resume as it is declared globally.
So why at the start of cell.src there is:
It is also there if creating a new module using the in-built template.
Yes I've read that but then my following question would be:
what is the benefice to use a GLOBAL INTERRUPT in a main program, for example in cell.src?
Hi everybody,
I'm new to KRL, I've done robot prog 1 and 2 and I've being searching into the KSS 8.3 System Integrator manual but I can't see a clear definition in it.
Could someone explain me the difference between a GLOBAL INTERRUPT and an INTERRUPT, please?
Thanks in advance
in fact you stated that 0003 and 004 did NOT have an issue
Nope I stated that between 0002 and 0003 there was no issue.
The message of the notification was stating 0003 and 0004 that's why said that I had those notifications too between 0001 and 0002.
Sorry to tell you that but your answers are very agressive… I'm sure you are very proficient in KRL but not everybody are - we are all glad that expert like you can help people like me - so a little of indulgence would be appreciated.
also you did not state that those are global subroutines
Would a local subroutine have change something? Can you have a CONT motion as a last point if the subroutine is local rather than global?
The code I sent were the version I had on my PC so not the latest - sorry about that - but you were right, I had forget one CONT in my code.
When I'm running the program dprd576_0000 in T1 (or T2) GO mode, I get the following notification:
"Approximated positioning not possible (module dprd576_0003, block#)(=>1442)"
followed by "Sequence of instructions that cannot be approximated (module dprd576_0004, block#)"
Just in case I wasn't clear, I'm getting these messages when transiting from sub0003 to sub0004 (and sub0001 to sub0002 respectively) - so in T1 Motion mode, last line of sub0003 there is no message but when reaching sub0004 first motion line those 2 messages appears simultaneously.