Posts by crookies

    Hello SkyeFire,

    Broadcast and Multicast are different.

    If you need to do broadcast, you can only use UDP. From what I have seen in the EKI manual, it does not seem to be possible to emit broadcast frames in UDP and also not documented to register as a server for broadcast messages. Broadcast sockets need special initialisation options.

    For multicast, as Hermann says, you will also need to use UDP. Multicasts addresses are in the range of to Multicast is more complicated to use than UDP Broadcast and the mechanism is different.

    Are you sure you need to is Multicast and not Broadcast to communicate with Kawazaki?

    Thank you SkyeFire, I will remember this "Save crash", because I also have a few crashs per day.

    I think I found the reason for my problem in the manual, they mention that "Start Program" is only available in Offline PC (I suppose this is when WoV is connected to OfficeLite)

    Also I received a reply from the KUKA support and they said this:

    "You can’t start the robot with WorkVisual.

    You need to upload the project and run it with the Smartpad.

    In Workvisual you can follow the active programs that are running."

    I think it closes the subject. Thanks to you all for the support!

    Thank you Mentat and Panic Mode for your replies.

    Panic mode, I was following the same steps you describe. I just followed them once again in the same order to make sure (here I select a program called probe_tst2.src. The problem I have is that when I reach your step 7, I do not have the "START PROGRAM" option in the menu (and in the tool bar, the button is grayed out).

    In the messages I have the "Start key required" message, but that is always the case when you want to start the program, isn't it?

    Hello again everyone,

    I did not receive feedback here.

    My question seems maybe obvious, but I do not have much experience with the Kuka environment, and I do not manage to use breakpoints and start the execution from WorkVisual.

    From the SmartPad I can select "Step by step", then I can step in the program from the SmartPad and follow the exection synchronousely on WorkVisual (and monitor variables), but this process is very slow as it steps on every line of the program.

    As shown on the picture in my post above, the "Start Program" icon is disabled, even though in the WorkVisual manual they show it as enabled and say it is possible to start the program from there. I must be doing something wrong, maybe a confirguration or something, but I don't understand what.



    I have a question concerning WorkVisual debug session on a KR90, I have a KSS with version 8.5.5 (8.5.337) and WorkVisual version 6.0.6 (B542).

    The system is in T1 (o T2) I have established the connection and selected my program.

    1. When I want to start the program, I need to use the start button on the SmartPad, the "Start Program" button in WorkVisual is always disabled

    2. When I run the program (in T1 or T2), it does not seem to stop on breakpoints.

    REM: I see the program pointer moving during debugging, and I can monitor variables and inspect them, but I have to interact with the program/robot via the SmartPad only

    Do you have an idea why this "Start Program" button is always disabled.


    PS: thank you for all the precious information on your forum, it has already saved my day a couple of time.

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