IMOV ignores everything except what it needs: only x y z rx ry rx and tool number matter.
Posts by Ramil
Люба правильно сказала.
You have to store the reference position of robot with the proper configuration and shift it for every workpiece. Or have multiple reference positions with different robot configurations.
By the way it's a good question, how to set RCONF to a P variable explicitly with INFORM commands.
Yes, you can hardcode
thank you! But how can I specify FRONT UP FLIP parameters? I hope it's not like:
GETS PX000 $PX000
SETE PX000 (1) 50000
Set up the format of the position variable and put data into it.
Can I hardcode the position variable format type directly in job? Just for example using INFORM language set position variable as ROBOT, TOOL no 10 and FRONT, UP, FLIP parameters ?
What does the controller ignore? What does the robot do? Any alarms? If your tool is defined so that the Z of the tool frame is going into the workpiece this works on the robots I use. If the tool is positioned so the Z is straight up and down with respect to the part I can jog Rz more than 300 degrees. If I can jog there the job can get there.
plz sorry, my fault. I used RZ as 90 instead of 900000. I just need to get used to that notation)
SFTON SFTOF are good.
summarazing the theme: what is the most elegant way to rotate tool around Z 90 degrees for a part of job? SFTON P001 TL ignores all the rotation, unfortunately.
Stay out of the INFORM LIST. When you are in a job with the cursor on the left side, the edit buffer will have a move on it, MOVJ, MOVL, MOVC, or MOVS. At the bottom of the pendant is the MOTION TYPE key. When you press it the edit buffer line will cycle through the different motion types. This will record the position in pulse counts.
and what about smovl + movj? without inform instructions there's only movl+movj. I just want to insert smovl+movj without position variables.
As far as a master tool user coordinate ( if this means a user frame that rotates with the master tool frame) that is an option. You can not turn it on in MotoSim EG-VRC
Thank you. The further I go with yaskawa the more surprises I get. I've spent a lot of time trying to get master tool. I wonder why yaskawa decided to restrict that feature, I thought it's a standard offline feature.
P.S. May be MotoPlus could also be turned on on MotoSim EG-VRC by uploading cmos.bin from the real hardware controller?
if you are doing it with real robot, just import cmos.bin into motosim
Motosim is the only what I have at the moment. I'm learning yaskawa robots and trying to make a master tool user coordinates
After enabling 027 COORDINATED INSTRUCTION and 132 EXTENDED CONTROL GROUP options in YRC1000 how to make and use MASTER TOOL in MotoSim EG-VRC ? I haven't found it in docs.
#1 With the linear you enter in the gear reduction/ball-screw pitch. With the rotary you enter in the gear reduction and offset between axis 2 and 3. With the last rotary you enter in the gear reduction. Once configured, for coordinated motion you calibrate the robot to station axes. The controller then knows the relationship between the hardware.
Thanks a lot for your answer.
For example, I added UNIV-3 station with configuration LINEAR-ROTARY-ROTARY and the only kinematic parameter was axis2-axis3 offset. It seems to be insufficient and is quite confusing me.
In KUKA while configuring external kinematics 6dof frames (x,y,z,a,b,c) are configured for ROOT-AXIS1, AXIS1-AXIS2, AXIS2-AXIS3: eventually 18 parameters. Even for Denevit-Hartenberg model at least 2x4=8 parameters are required.
After all, in common sence 1 parameter is not enough.
I found this picture below. If I got this right, the relationship between axis1 and axis2 is nothing but a real number OFFSET.
This parameter can be accepted with 2 restrictions:
- axis1 and axis2 are intersected
- angle between axis1 and axis2 is strictly 90 degrees
Not all positioners meet these requirements. Besides I have experience in high precisioin calibration of external kinematics and those 6dof FRAME parameters in KUKA robots was very useful.
So, it would be great if you point me out where full featured kinematics parameters are set.
#1 How totally custom kinematics has to be configured in YRC1000 controller properly? For example 3 axis: linear+rotary+rotary? As far as I understood TURN-3 has to be selected in maintenance mode but there's no fields for kinematics parameters. For coordinated motions translations (X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ) for axis1-2 and axis2-3 have to be configured.
#2 For example having a cell with two workzones and each one with a positioner. Accordingly there're two groups R1+S1 and R1+S2. It would be convenient to have a single job teached with R1+S1 group and to switch the group from R1+S1 to R1+S2. Is there some options/instructions for that?
thanks in advance.
I don't know your application nor your controller. But if you have for example a dx100 you can use up to 16 argument(parameters) for your macro.
Yes, you're right. But there was some reason, why Yaskawa integrated condition files features for arc welding and other technologies. And the main reason was - convinience.
Actually I'm experienced with KUKA robots, and I'm missing custom user data structures and configuration files (like STRUC and *.DAT files in KUKA KRL). For example storing technology parameters sets, storing palletizing schemas and so on. If I got this right, even PalletSolver stores palletizing schemas in XML files and converts them to jobs in real time using MotoPlus.
May be all that things I described could be accomplished using MotoPlus as well, but I haven't try it yet.
No, you can not use your own format for a *.CND file.
So Yaskawa implemented some technologies (like arc welding, spot welding etc.) in a very convinient way through condition files and PP configuration tool.
How can I implement my own customized technology with customized parameters in the same (or almost the same) convinient way?
Some could direct me to macroses with parameters. But the number of parameters is too large, and the number of macros parameters is restricted. And it would be convinient to change parameters in a single place, instead of all jobs monitoring.
Hi everyone,
I wonder if I can use my own condition file format? and respectively:
- use it in jobs like MYTECHON MYT#(5) .... MYTECHOF
- edit condition file data through Programming Pendant
Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone.
I got the 2d laser scanner to integrate with the robot. But my scanner issues only raw 2d point clouds. So I have to extract lines circles and so on from 2d point clouds. Which algorithm is good for this? Which algirithms has been applied by ServoRobot, Meta, ScanSonic, MicroEpsilon, KEYENCE ?
Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,
how do you debug custom KUKA SmartHMI plugins written using KUKA.PluginSDK ? Building DLLs, copy them to the controller/OfficeLite and restarting SmartHMI every time seem not to be quick enough. I wonder if there's a way to start the DLL on the local pc? Do somebody know how to get SmartHMI to run on the local pc?