No robot arm , only controller , pendant and cables .Located in UK . Price 650 pounds . I can deliver for a fee .
Posts by a_sorien
Thank s Robodoc , my first program works and picked up an object and placed on a table . The show can go on by now !
Please be free to explain more !! NWAIT is the same with WAIT ? If I use Inform button I must pass this P (position) parameter and I do not know how to fill X ,. Y , Z , when I defined . My gripper are considered a tool ? Should I must measured and defined in the right area ?
Actually I have a button to emulate a sensor on IN1 .
MOVJ VJ=25.00 PL=0 NWAIT UNTIL IN1=ON .He feels the button but doesn t wait till I release to change the status of that button , instead make a pause and continue the program . What I am wrong ?
Thank you mate ! Call service , now wait a feedback . Still I have a question : if I use an external valve driven by DIN and DOT instruction I should can use my pneumatic gripper ?
I do not have the HAND instruction , but instead I have TOOLON and TOOLOF . How I can get HAND instruction? Is a parameter to change ?
What s the difference between pulse , base , robot format variable ?! I didn t find on web nothing about this subject . Can Yaskawa give me some lessons ?
Hi and thank you ! I got some points but still not able to chose between the variable . Simple I wanna pick up an object by a pneumatic grip then placed some near by . I will use a pneumatic grip so I need to open that grip and closed when job done . I will use a sensor for checking the presence of object in the bay area , so the arm must wait for that object to come .
An example of coding will be helpful .
Thank s
Hi ! I got 4499 alarm , undefined position variable !!
Hi again ! Yes I can do make moves , save them by teaching but I need to go deeper , so when I choose Inform list button and after MOVJ it follow an P000 parameter . Is a counter of position ?If I set him P001 at the second line of my program I do have an error . Did exist any tutorial on web ? Thank s!
How suppose to look a line code for a sensor in IN1 in a movj sentence line ? After UNTIL I must put the name of input aka IN01 and condition ON . But not work ! in I/O menu is change his state and have 0010 logical input . In external input menu is name it 204x and also change his state . What I'm doing wrong ?
Ohh , thanks for your answer ! So I must build my own ladder for my desire purpose? The existing general purpose ladder wont function good for me! If I build my own ladder save it , the system will work with him and can I switch to him ?! How can I save ladder from my system ? I do not have any kind of floppy attached to my hardware .
Thank s!
Hi all ! I a begginer in this field so I need some help . I have an Yaskawa motoman sv3 with INFORM 2 language .
I want to use it for packing and handling .For this I need to use some sensors and have some outputs .
1. main program works parallel with ladder ? Logical i/o are used only in ladder ?
2. ladder for general purpose is selected automatic there are 3 types of ladder for welding purposes )
3. There is a tutorial for this language ? Yaskawa think I was born already with this programm in my brain !
4. P position parameter how can be deal with when program ask ?
Thank s!
Hi all ! I a begginer in this field so I need some help . I have an Yaskawa motoman sv3 with INFORM 2 language .
I want to use it for packing and handling .For this I need to use some sensors and have some outputs .
1. main program works parallel with ladder ? Logical i/o are used only in ladder ?
2. ladder for general purpose is selected automatic there are 3 types of ladder for welding purposes )
3. There is a tutorial for this language ? Yaskawa think I was born already with this language in my brain !
4. P parameter when he ask me how I do know were is it ?
Thank s!
Update : All axis works fine now ( wiring issues on plugs connectors ! ) . Only S axis make a noise when spinning but not from the motor ! Is something related with gears (mechanical ) even I psuh some grease in to the nipple .
Did somebody knows a light gripping device can be fitted on the arm ?! Or it a must to build my self ?
Update : My arm really works , except R axis thus I have 1314 error . In the book say problems with the servomotor or encoder or servodrive or wiring . The bottom servo make a bit noise so I grease him tomorrow .
UPDATE : I spoke with a serviceman from Yaskawa .He teach me how to enter in maintenance mode and how to initialized the controller . In the meantime I ve changed the battery controller to find out I made a mistake . The battery was good . But nothing happening wrong either good . Can somebody halp me with a service manual or user manual ?! Thank s.
UPDATE : I spoke with a serviceman from Yaskawa .He teach me how to enter in maintenance mode and how to initialized the controller . In the meantime I ve changed the battery controller to find out I made a mistake . The battery was good . But nothing happening wrong either good . Can somebody halp me with a service manual or user manual ?! Thank s.
Hi and thanks for the answer ! Well I do make a test with them together . He ask me : ''check position R1 ! '' If I press start button : '' set to home position ! '' . Nothing moves even with the servo on ! On the pendant display all the origin and the current position are zeroes ! I am in '' play '' position from the controller button . I do not have that bin file . Is it possible to ask them to send me ? Can this bin be copied from another functional controller ?
Best regards
Hi all ! I ve just bought a xrc mini controller for my sv3 arm , but they dont really match on the serials . The controller belongs to the same type of arm , sv3 . I wanna try to put them work together . I do have all the cables and genuine plugs . What I will must be aware for ?
P.S. All battery from my arm are ok by voltage , but that inside the controller has 0 voltage . I know , maybe my eprom is empty but must be a way to restored !?
Thank s!