I've seen the Advanced Ethernet Option used to transfer Rs and PRs, but Rs always get truncated, so we'd use a PR for Real data.
Or, could you send your data over 2 GO's? Digits before the decimal, and digits after?
I've seen the Advanced Ethernet Option used to transfer Rs and PRs, but Rs always get truncated, so we'd use a PR for Real data.
Or, could you send your data over 2 GO's? Digits before the decimal, and digits after?
The closest I've ever gotten to doing this is outputting if ANY user alarm.
Basically you would follow the thread below, and fire your DO when you get INTP-213 (12 & 213)
I'm curious, do you have that prg in the select menu? or did you change the name?
Neither, the manual states the "ALL" command "continues all paused tasks".
"ALL" is not a program on my robot.
Hello all,
The Karel manual shows a KCL example for "CONTIUE ALL" however when I execute the command ("MyRobotIP"/KCL/CONTINUE%20ALL) I get an error "Program does not exist".
RMT_MASTER is equal to 1.
Any thoughts on why?
Hello Everyone,
I know how to view TP Points as triads within the "Program Node Map" in Roboguide, does anyone know of a way to view PRs in a similar Fashion?
MOVE TO moves linearly. position configuration changes must be done with a Joint move. Write a program with a joint move and run it manually.
Is your Program setup in a loop that it always returns to that motion instruction at the top? (See my example below):
: !Main Loop ;
: LBL[1] ;
: !Start at Perch ;
:J PR[1:Perch] 75% FINE ;
: ;
: IF (Logic is Satisfied) THEN ;
: ;
: !Finish Cycle ;
: JMP LBL[1] ;
: END ;
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I've seen code similar to this where, the If logic isn't satisfied, and the busy lamp acts as you're describing. Simple solution was to throw a small wait statement after LBL[1].
Sorry, I meant DI[107], what Rack/Slot is it configured to?
What is DO[107] Configured to?
Depending on how you did your backup, you might have a sysvars.va file, which would have the payloads in a readable format.
But you would not have this file if you did an AOA from the Teach Pendant. Usually people get this file via FTP.
Things to check (Sorry for the repeats) for parts being there premature:
Understand the settings in the Pickup/Drop Commands:
Every Part that you have setup on a fixture or tool will have a designation, something like "Fixture1: Part[1]"
Every Tool or Fixture that has multiples of a part on it will also have a designation, to a variable part, that designation looks something like "Fixture1: Part[*]"
If you were to:
Then the closest part to Tool1 at the time the simulation program was run would be picked up.
This is similarly true for Dropping "Part1" From "Tool1" On "Fixture1: Part[*]". The Part on the tool would go to the closest position on Fixture1.
If you call a pickup/drop simulation program, it does not car if parts were actually there or not, it will create and destroy parts is it needs to run the program.
I've tried uploading several different backups, and I continue to get the message:
"Upload rejected: The zip file contains directories. Please upload a zip file with files only."
I don't have anything other than files in the zip.
2 possibilities that I can come up with:
That's the reason why I developed the TP-Tools. No need for Karel!
Am I misunderstanding this? Are you meaning to say no need to write your own Karel? or are you saying no need to have the Karel Option?
TP_Write is a .PC file, so, that would mean the Karel Option is necessary?
Exercise for today: Rewrite the program so that the facility code and the severity are written separately to two GOs with 8 bits each.
Giving this a go, I think the below code works.
1: ! Error Code ;
2: R[188]=($ALM_IF.$LAST_ERCODE MOD 65536) ;
3: GO[67]=R[188] ;
4: ;
5: ! fac. code and severity ;
6: R[189]=(($ALM_IF.$LAST_ERCODE-R[188])/65536) ;
7: ;
8: ! Facility Code ;
9: R[190]=(R[189] MOD 256) ;
10: GO[68]=R[190] ;
11: ;
12: ! Severity ;
13: R[191]=((R[189]/256) DIV 1) ;
14: GO[69]=R[191] ;
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How tall are your parts? What is the scale difference between layers?
For the best results in a Z value, Fanuc recommends that the scale differs by at least 5% between each layer.
Also, your Scale becomes less accurate the further from the center of the field of view that you are looking at.
2D vision has its limitations, and in my experience, if you're going to use a 2D vision depalletizing process, you need to build compliance into your tool, and drive lower than than the Z value that the vision process gives you.
Config you DOs to Rack 36, slot 0, Start[n]
I'm trying to write a CM File to reset/uninitialize the Error Severity Table.
Anybody have any clue?
I've tried: