I have no change by modification RAT_MOT_AX. Same offset position by encoder vs real distance
I have no change by modification RAT_MOT_AX. Same offset position by encoder vs real distance
Hello Specialists.
I have problem with axis 7 by FEE.
When I move with axis 10cm position taken from actual position on kcp vs 4,5 cm in real.
In append photo of gear box parameters.
SkyeFire thanks for answer.
I was using docs where was
Pin 1 - 0V
Pin 5 -24V
I've swapped power supply and can_hi and can_low and it works.
Functions in telnet must be used with exec for example: exec "dnWho"
SkyeFire nice to hear You.
The main problem is when I'm using command in run Telnetk using dnWho command was not recognized
Skye thanks for reply.
Main errors in log are for interrupt and no ability to run instance. I've checked configuration devicenet on vss 5.4.7 hf4 and kss 5.4.11 same errors. I was wondering it could be problem with kss which originally doesn't work with mfc 3.02 but i run vss which works smoothly with mfc 3.02.
Now as You said I'm stuck with AB point IO.
Looking for Wago , Wago needs some special configuration or is straight ?
panic mode precious information for me as always
I don't even know how to do it
I will swap Io device for other vendor which is straight to connect, in meantime I will make huge step to be familiar with AB point IO.
devnet.log 2
devnet.log 1
Hi panic mode.
Im using Allan Bradley module with i/o's.
Ive got this errors in devnet.log
I have this error during config devicenet.
What could be wrong ?
I'm looking for maintenance docs for wrist ZH125/150 ii.
all is fine beside of pid parameters
panic mode.
Thank You for reply.
Yes thank You for motor parameters. Morning I will input proper ones. Second when we change kv parameter in machine.dat for this motor noisy and little jerks are lower. I have to add I can not find out proper ksd1-64 in drop down menu for axiskonf. Parameter kv is not straight connected with motor but I think Ksd. So maybe problems with unstable and noisy working of motor becomes from not proper Ksd parameters not motor. Maybe it has been taken wrong Ksd version. I have to add that motor is krc1 version (?) and doesn't exist in KRC2 kss. I don't know. In drop down menu I have motor with _B as suffix for 69-225-463.
Yes cameraman has shaking hand but morning will prepare better movie with better sound to check
Jerks on axis 7 looking for parameters for this motor
motor label
my Ksd which i can not find in axisconf list
I'm now using kss 5.4.11 and this soft correctly works with dse card 3.02 ( thank You Javaman :).
Now I'm dealing with motor problem.
I have motor 69-225-463 and servo controller Ksd 1-64.
When I'm tuning 7 axis in axisconf.
I have few options to set in Ksd group but I can not resolve which Ksd to choose from list.
Now by manual tuning motor we works almost stable but under payload start to jerk. Need correct parameters for servo but can not get which are correct.