KUKA has a built in function (At least I thought it was built in):
GLOBAL DEF mat_to_rot (t[,]:OUT, a:OUT, b:OUT, c:OUT)
;Conversion of a transformer matrix T into the ROT angles A, B, C
;T = Rot_z(A) * Rot_y(B) * Rot_x(C)
REAL t[,], a, b, c
REAL sin_a, cos_a, sin_b, abs_cos_b, sin_c, cos_c
a = ATAN2 (t[2,1], t[1,1])
sin_a = SIN(a)
cos_a = COS(a)
sin_b = -t[3,1]
abs_cos_b = cos_a*t[1,1] + sin_a*t[2,1]
b = atan2 (sin_b, abs_cos_b); Hier: -90 <= B <= +90 !!
sin_c = sin_a*t[1,3] - cos_a*t[2,3]
cos_c = -sin_a*t[1,2] + cos_a*t[2,2]
c = ATAN2 (sin_c, cos_c)
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Even if you aren't writing this code for KRL, its pretty easy to read this code and convert it to whatever language you are working with. It says that T[,] is an output, but thats only because kuka forces more complicated variables to be declared as outputs. Its actually being used as an input in this scenario. Last note, a lot of other programming languages use radians by default, but not KRL, so keep that in mind if porting this over into a different language.