My Ref Home position is showing DI[0] not UOP[7], when I try to update that position , UOP 7 goes OFF, I can fill any DI number and make that output ON but not UOP 7 through it
Posts by sanjay bisht
Integrator has setup UOP 7 signal to PERCH OR HOME position , now I want to change the home position , want to change joint position of home, and still want UOP 7 to turn ON with new position, how do I setup that ?
hi sanjay,
check the speed.. probably its Zero or to high
Speed as in 100% , 50%? or travel speed of the weld?
OH got it, ZERO in weld schedule , thanks
How to get rid of this error ?
Maybe some background logic is locking it at 100%...
Thanks, disable BG logics , it worked
Team - I am unable to change the speed on WeldPro teach pendant
I am pressing shift++\- speed but nothing is happening
its stuck at 100%, cold start also tried any help??
Do anyone has any idea about how to setup Coordinated motion in WeldPro ?
Team I am not able to understand how to get rid of this error in Roboguide WeldPro software
Any help
Team - I am not able to take my robot to ARC START Point
In the program below , The robot is going to all the points in the program but whenever I move it to Arc Start points , P-28 in this case, it does not go there and throws an error... Is there any work around for this in software, I want to touch that point in Roboguide,
Team - I saw some videos on YouTube where they are demonstrating the touch sensing inside software , do anyone know what I need to setup inside WeldPro to get touch sensing or laser sensing functional
We probably have to insert the part differently inside WeldPro and add some add in drivers but no idea about how...
Team i need some support
I have a program with GROUP masking on G1 and G2 , I want to copy the same program and change the Group masking
Is there a way to do this???
I tired creating fresh new program and copy lines from the old to new , but that will also not work because the POINTs in old program has old group masking values...
Guys - Can anyone tell me what is DB in the program below?
Found the solution in WeldPro
First disabled DCS
Second - Disabled - Interference check - Combination to Check - setting for robot
Robot 1 will have ROBOT 2 hostname and its ip and vice versa right??
I tired all combination but it still not working
As this is just a virtual cell , can we switch off these signals like UI signals
Also even after changing the name to ROBOTONE or ROBOTTWO --- The error still shows R1 or R2 which is old name
I checked here - their is no space before R2 ore R1