Thanks. That was about to frustrate me.
Why is the DEC tag being added to new lines of programming? Line learning is enabled but for some reason the DEC tag is included in every new line of programming. Anyone know how to turn this off?
I tied it into one side of the safety gate. All good. In teach the logic doesn't care if that door is open or not. So it doesn't throw the M-SAF alarm. Not worrying about the alarm for that specific switch.
I would only want to limit ext servo on. I want to be able to still turn servos on in teach. Basically I'm just putting a ladder stand on the fencing of the robot and I don't want the ladder left inside the work area of the manipulator or positioner. Requiring the ladder be removed from the cell didn't work. I'm trying this approach. So I need to use SIN#030 EXT SERVO ON?
I'm wanting to wire in a limit switch into a DX200. I want to use said input to limit the servo power on unless its true. I also want to signal an alarm or message showing that this limit switch isnt operation engaged. Any input on how you would do it?
Awesome...Thanks Man!
Can anyone tell me how these inputs are registered? I'm on a cell that is looking for A side of positioner to be at robot. It is reading on universal input 4002 (#05011). In the ladder it is waiting for control input #81321 to turn that input on.
My cell is using the Fronius TPSi on a DX100. The YEW board is not installed and just uses the VEW option. I'm having issues with search but the TCHR1 macro is searching. TCH macro and search routines turns on the SOUT #0393 (50500) R1 search but the Comarc box is not signaling that the search is turned on with a standard search on say a movL. Is search only available with the YEW board?
What I'm gathering is that the SRCH function isn't enabling the starting point detecting unit relay to switch on. With the Comarc box I should be able to verify it with the searching indicator light lit. It is not with a SRCH instruction but does on the TCH macro so it must be wired correctly.
Little more information would help.
What controller, I assume YRC since that is the OP’s controller?
What is the RIN connected to? Weld wire, Accufast, a sensor, a switch, etc.
What is in your search routine?
GETS Bxxx $B00x
Or is this a job supplied by Yaskawa? Is the RIN addressed correctly?
DX100 syatem
ComArc is what its connected to
I created the macro
I have a SRCH routine available but its not turning on the RIN. What enables this? Any help?
It is S2C383.
=0 No change
=1 Operator
=2 Editing
=3 Management
And for YRC?
Has anyone every troubleshot alarm 8992 OPSI: communication lost. My operator station is sporadically losing communication/power (all lights go off) and alarm occurs. When the cell was new I had an operator disconnect a line when it was hot and when he reconnected it it shorted. I'm thinking I've got something sticking in the MASTER PWR/NET MODULE. Thoughts?
As the job is running you select job~select job (top left). You will then see the list of jobs. Now click job (again top left) and then the tab job edit should be available. When you select edit you can view by selecting other jobs as your master or other job is being ran. Changes to jobs aren't permanent in this mode though. You can make the changes but they are removed. there may be a parameter to do so but I dont know it.
Don't modify the points after the shift. The program should be taught then the TCH added after. If the weld positions are modified the TCH needs reprogrammed. Always modify weld positions with shift off then reteach TCH.
Why not give your floor supervisor the ability to fire those that don't produce? Seeing someone get fired for not producing is a better motivator than having a horn blow.
They may get fired if a manager hears this alarm to often. Also as lijuba said, its to get attention for errors on the machine as well.
I have thought about the weekend deal
So have you considered that this horn will be blaring all weekend long (if you do not run weekends), during breaks and lunch maybe, and if the cell is down for some maintenance activity, repair or clean
What generation of controller? Depending on this you may or may not have to go through the ladder.
Do you want the horn to sound when any type of alarm happens?
Do you want the alarm to sound in both Teach and Play?
Do you want the alarm to sound even in Play while the jobs are operating but the robot sitting still?
Reading the above requirements, the horn would sound any time the controller is on and the green start lamp isn't lit. If that was me, I'd probably be cutting the wires to shut the darn thing up as it would probably be going off more than I care to hear it.
I'm doing a sample project for management. I'm afraid it will be more of a nuisance as well. Its a DX100. I have it figured out about the alarm by just tying it into the alarm light on the OP station but in the controller. I only want it to trigger in remote and when the robot is stationary for over the set time they want of 5 minutes. I have suggested a light that comes on but they want noise. We have a customer who uses this but the operator hits a button when they walk off is my understanding. Servos are supposed to be turned off during non production. We work thru breaks and lunch with a break giver.