You mentioned you couldn't get Intelligent Interference Check (IIC) to work. What issue did you encounter trying to implement this as a solution?
You mentioned you couldn't get Intelligent Interference Check (IIC) to work. What issue did you encounter trying to implement this as a solution?
If you literally mean you are not connecting the Z channel (marker pulse) or the 5v ps and common, then yes, that would be a big problem. All of those signals are required for it to work correctly. Also there needs to be a good connection of the shield at the controller.
This alarm appears to be due to regenerative discharge.
You didn't mention checking the connections from the regenerative discharge resistor to the servo amp. The size and number of these resistors will vary with the arm model. I don't have an R-J3 electrical manual at my disposal but if you look in there under D SRVO-043 in the 3. TROUBLESHOOTING section it will tell you which connectors to check. To identify the regen resistors look for some metal heat sink fins that are NOT the servo amp. These likely will be located in the space that is cooled by the 200VAC fans that includes the servo amp heat sink.
The smallest of the three orange connectors, on the upper right side of pic 2, running vertically. Sticker next to it on panel shows terminals 3 and 4 are for external OFF.
You don't need the TP mode switch connected to get the system to power up.
You might have an issue in the ON/OFF circuit. On an R-J3 the components included would be the switches, cables to the panel board, panel board, cable to main board, main board, backplane and the power supply. It routes through nearly every controller component.
TBOP2 needs a jumper between terminals 3 and 4. This is your connection for an external OFF button. It needs to be shorted for the controller to power up. Your photo shows no TBOP2 connector in place.
If you still have issues after that, on the PSU short pins A1, A2 and A3 together on CP4 to simulate pressing the ON button. If the controller boots up then you know one of the other components mentioned is an issue.
R-J and R-J2 many electrical issues caused by bad teach pendant cables that are fused in R-J3 and newer controllers.
On R-J2 your FROM is still separate from the SRAM, so you've likely still got your robot library on the FROM.
If you can get the root cause resolved you can get into BOOTMON and restore your SRAM from a backup.
Pin 7 of the EE connector should be your *HBK signal.
Check the electrical manual for the Mate controller. The output types have changed over the years on all controllers including the Mate controllers. You may not measure 24V at the output terminal with no load wired in place.
Can you send a photo of the arm with the model labels?
The RTU axis can be configured as integrated (part of TCP determination) or extended (7th axis value is a joint value only). This is performed at controlled start.
I don't have the variable name you are seeking, however, I can add that the delay from servo off to ready to move includes the pre-charge of the DC bus on the servo amplifier. The 1st noise you hear is a contactor engaging the pre-charge current then flows, once pre-charge is complete the second contactor engages.
With R-30iA there were basically three different pendants used:
1. Legacy B&W
2. First Gen iPendant (rounded appearance)
3. Second Gen iPendant (sharper corners)
There will also be a number of different keymasks, general, material handling, spot welding, arc welding. The pendant will of course work the same regardless of which mask it uses, but the matching of mask to process may be very important to your customer.
The iPendants require firmware on the controller for full functionality. An iPendant will work without the firmware but the functionality will be the same as a legacy pendant.
The middle four digits of the PN will indicate what the basic type of TP is and the final four digits and letters minor options like key mask, touch screen etc.
Here are some TP part numbers that will work with R-30iA:
A05B-2301-C195 Legacy - General
A05B-2490-C140#EMH 1st Gen iPendant - MH Mask
A05B-2518-C202#EMH 2nd Gen iPendant - MH Mask
A05B-2518-C202#EGN 2nd Gen iPendant - General Mask
A05B-2518-C204#EMH 2nd Gen iPendant - MH Mask
For clarification, after the controlled start - cold start sequence, the robot is error free and can be jogged and will run programs? If not what alarms or issues do you have when the cold start is complete?
It's never made me even try Russian roulette. Maybe it would make some people would want to shoot themselves, but others like the stability of working in one location, better home life, etc.
You touched on backups and standards. If you are the subject matter expert on Fanuc you will be able to implement and guide these procedures.
You mentioned the applications were arc and spot welding, you'll do plenty of touchup, unless you've got some good operators. You'll be asked to improve cycle time at some point.
You'll do some training to bring operators up to the level you need to keep it from becoming a 24 hr job.
Regular maintenance of the robots will fall to you or at least your supervision. It's not difficult for someone untrained to make a mess of a robot doing basic PM work.
You'll determine the spare parts policy.
You'll lead or support troubleshooting. Again, it doesn't take an untrained person long to make a shambles of a robot arm or create a great amount of downtime through a maintenance mistake.
The largest number of arms I've supported under one roof alone is about 85, the smallest 32. Your level of boredom won't necessarily be directly proportionally to the size of your herd.
You will likely be subject to the "other duties as directed by your supervisor" clause of the job description, working on some non-Fanuc Robot items.
Depending on the size of the operation it may be difficult to get the business to spend $10,000 for a Roboguide license. I was used to working for an integrator and getting the upgrades automatically and not having to justify the $2,500 every other year.
Along the same lines Fanuc will support you directly, but not at the same level as an integrator, so make copies of all of those pdf manual before you lose them.
If I can be of further assistance let me know.
Any chance somebody changed the collision sensitivity? Pressing Shift and hold disables CG temporarily.
MENU-SETUP-Collision Guard. Might be set up so CG sensitivity is changed programmatically.
Brake is still a possibility even if you hear a click, most Fanuc robots have more than one brake coil in parallel on each circuit. Check and make sure the connector in fully engaged. Like FM said, the arm model is helpful in these situations as an LRMate has a different brake system than an M900.
Starting with 8.3 there is a "single axis quick master" that can be helpful in tight spaces.
It would be surprising if two year old, 25kg payload robots operating at 1kg payload and 50% override have much reducer wear. Is the TCP a great distance from the faceplate? Have your robots had preventative maintenance performed and if so did you verify it was performed correctly? I've had robot service vendors come out and make mistakes, turnover for PM techs is high. If the witness marks are actually off after a couple months that would be surprising, as the robots are only 2 years old and not overloaded.
Common sources for positional errors (all assume witness marks on axes are not off):
Failed floor anchors. Perhaps too small or insufficient in number. Wedge anchors can often be used, but not always, sometimes epoxy anchors are required, so of course Fanuc specifies them.
Gripper design. Some of the companies doing robot integration are not experts in that field, maybe PLC experts but not so good with robots. I found no dowel pins in a gripper design from 2010 at a tier 1 auto supplier. Bent, loose, sticking parts of the gripper are something to look for.
Fixturing, as a previous poster mentioned, is a much more likely source of positional error than backlash.
TCP/Uframe manipulations. If the TCP/Uframe is being changed programmatically and someone made an error in the program, then this could make it look like there is positional error.
Good luck and hope to hear what resolved the issue(s).
If you can get the robot configuration/variables back to where the problem started and have the mastering counts, pre-battery failure, I'd encourage you to perform a quick master. That way you don't change any frames or positions and should be able to recover accuracy completely.
Model B I/O is an I/O Link device and is assigned to Rack 1.
MENU, I/O, F1 TYPE, 0 next, Link Device
You should see the different model B modules here and be able to see which Rack (1) and slot each is assigned to.
After reviewing that you should be able to go back to the config page for your digital, UOP or group I/O and decipher which points are on your model b modules.
I've had multiple issues with the LR Mate 200iD models when there were power outage/glitches while the robot was in motion. These robots seem to have an design that is more susceptible to issues at power outage. I think they use 24VDC brakes as opposed to 90VDC so this likely is the reason we get many SRVO-038 alarms only on this model when others on the same power buss don't experience it. Another possibility is someone moved one or more joints of the arm with the power off. With an LRMate that doesn't require much effort.
If someone has partially resolved the SRVO-038 alarm (cleared the pulse coder alarm, reset master done variable to true) that may be how you ended up where you are at. MENU-0-6 System-Master/Cal-6 Calibrate should resolve your issue if that's all it is. Check your alarm screen MENU-4 ALARM to see what is all amiss.