I need own fault indicator turn on have any fault in the robot.how to do it?
Posts by AML1994
Have arcmate 100ib with rj2 controller.
I need write interrupt fault program.
Have fault indicator in my controlling station.
Running any program and waiting or any option which have fault,i need indicate my fault indicator.
And show my own fault in display
Please help me -
I need edit my tool center point.
How can do it manually editing?
Haven't any tool center pointing devices. -
Please explain how to create user frame and tool frame.
User manual cannot understand.very difficult
What is the path jogging mode? -
Have rotating table with fanuc arc mate 100ib.
Teach some points with rotate table axis.
After run cycle several times very bad accuracy.
Firstly robot travel real position.but lastly robot offset small.
Please help me correct thisone. -
What is the remote button in robot controller panel?
How to use it?
Please explain.
Have external interface rotating table and 2 control stain.
But haven't user operator panel. -
Have fanuc arcmate 100ib rj2 controller.
I need set some program can edit for install user only.
Menu>setup>password going after this step add pasword to "install,setup,programmer".
Show active pasword level programmer.but can edit axis limit and everyone.
How to enable pasword option?
Menu>users going this step and not show any user in display.
How to add users and paswords? -
i did this proceed-ear.
x value is 860.
i teach 2 point.
same x and z point different y position.
have same problem.move other direction small curve.add image teach point and 2 point between start and end point. -
""robotero"" cannot understand your last post.
mastered and calibrate robot to move the witness mark.
but my linear error not fix.
teach same z axis and x axis different y axis 2 point.but robot running small curve.(have a small video clip.try to upload.but cannot upload for this reply)
normally world coordinate system move the robot z direction.but robot move the x and z direction.
that time checked xyz position value.only changing z.but WPR values are changing.
haven't good position robot.
how to did it? -
""Robo_Eng_13"" hot to do it?
please explain.
thanks for your anser -
how to fix non linear problem.
robot always move small curve -
teach 2 point using wrist lock world coordinate mode.
running robot have small curve.
wrist unlock robot cannot move.because wrist rotate more turns.
cannot find witness mark.(add picture below.)
for the mastered robot.how to master this robot.
moved robot x axis.but robot move x and z axis.
same are y,z axis.
how to design tool frame for this robotplease help me.
""" robotero""" thank you.
but not high accuracy liner movement.
teach 2 point using wrist lock world coordinate mode.
running robot have small curve.
wrist unlock robot cannot move.because wrist rotate more turns.
cannot find witness mark.(add picture below.)
moved robot x axis.but robot move x and z axis.
same are y,z axis.please help me.
i correct my problem.
thank you for help to me.
your solution are good -
thank you your pdf.
i checked witness mark.but haven't witness mark in this robot.
please give me another solution.
master zero position or fixture position? -
my robot is """FANUC ARC MATE 100IB""".
"robotero" i try this method.but not clear linear movement.
x and y have small curve.but z have more curve.
and can move this linear only wrist jog lock method.
unlock the wrist jog tool is moving other direction.this robot use for welding.
i want high accuracy calibrate this robot.please help me
thank you.
my before post last massage net replay anyone.
https://www.robot-forum.com/robotforum/fan…/?topicseen#newcan't find witness marks.
how to zero position master this robot and fix this problem.
mastered this robot j1 face for x direction,j2 and j5 parallel the z direction, j3 parallel the x direction.
wrist lock and jog robot mod now world coordinate is OK before the problem.but not full correct.
wrist unlock and move the robot x direction.tool is not in y and z planes same point.offset these point move x direction.example is x direction.move any other direction.same problem
move the robot in joint mod j2 axis.why move j2 motor and j3 motor.i think cannot move j3 motor.
please help me. -
thank you "byrol" and others.
my problem is OK.
teach pendent A7 diode is broken.
teach pendent wire have small damage.
after repair problem is OK.i not press some buttons in pendent.but pendent give the these button signal to the cabinet.i think this problem is noises.because wire shield are damaged.
again thank all of you help for me.
can't find witness marks.
how to zero position master this robot and fix this problem.
mastered this robot j1 face for x direction,j2 and j5 parallel the z direction, j3 parallel the x direction.
wrist lock and jog robot mod now world coordinate is OK before the problem.but not full correct.
wrist unlock and move the robot x direction.tool is not in y and z planes same point.offset these point move x direction.example is x direction.move any other direction.same problem
move the robot in joint mod j2 axis.why move j2 motor and j3 motor.i think cannot move j3 motor.
please help me.