Hello everyone
I am also looking for such a solution.
I searched for a long time and found nothing.
I would love to hear if anyone knows how to do it
Thank you
Hello everyone
I am also looking for such a solution.
I searched for a long time and found nothing.
I would love to hear if anyone knows how to do it
Thank you
hello Melvalencia_24
I would be very happy if you could share what you found
Thank you
Hello bsrr
thank you very much for the help
today I tried to connect to the robot again and I was able to connect through FD on Desk 2
It works great
Picture also of MotocomDemoVB
Hello everyone
I have a problem with MotocomSDK
I have a robot GP180 with controller YRC1000 and I try to work with Motocom32
i have the dongle of motocom32 RT (I bought it from yaskawa)
I installed MotoComSDK V6.1 and Sentinel Driver 7.6.0 on my pc and i try to work with
the samples project
but after I open the sample and click connect
I get an error message about the license of the motocom RT dongle
I tried to work with MotocomDemoVB and with HSEthernet_x64
but in both I get an error of the dongle
I have attached pictures of the messages
I would appreciate help if anyone had the same problem as mine
Image of error message
Hello bsrr
Thank you very much for your answer
But I can't get into the FD On Desk 2 Light
When I open the software, a small window appears for entering an IP Address
I enter the IP Address of the robot and press OK
Then I get a message "Connect to the controller for license activation"
And after I click OK on the message the software closes
I checked that I write the correct IP Address
I did ping to the robot and i saw that there was communication between my computer and the robot
I am attaching pictures of the screens
I would appreciate some more advice
Hello everyone
I have 3 robots MZ07 With controler CFD
I want to edit programs on my computer and transfer to robots
I have the development software
FD on Desk (demo version)
FD on Desk 2
can someone help me and tell me how I can connect to the robot and transfer the programs
I manage to open the programs through the backup from the robot but cannot create a connection and transfer to the robot
Thanks for any ideas or advice
Hi Lemster68
I did it according to what you said, it worked.
Thank you very much for your help
I will check it tomorrow morning
thank you very much
Hello Some Tekk
Thanks for your response
The problem is that the program stops and I get a variable not existing error
for example
If I define a speeddata variable inside the base.sys file and I'm trying to use it inside the main program I get an error that it doesn't know this variable
But if I go into the base file in the rapid folder via ftp I see all the variables exist
my question is how can I reload the file into the robot memory
Thanks Panic mode
You shared a lot of information
I am sure it will be very useful for me and everyone
Thanks Panic mode
Wow that's amazing
This is exactly what I need
Can you send me an example of a project?
It will help me a lot
Hello everyone
Maybe someone knows how I can send file
to the kuka krc4 controller via pc?
Is there a way like in ABB IRC5?
in ABB I send the file via ftp to the home folder
then I load the file into the robot memory through the load function
I would be very happy if anyone has any advice on how to do this
Hello Lemster68
Thanks for your answer
I did it according to your way but when I run the main module and once I want to use the variables that are in the base module or in the user module i get an error
the variables I defined in the basic model were not found
Hello everyone
I have abb robot with controler s4c+
and I want to delete the user or base program from the robot memory and load it back into the robot
can someone tell me how to do it?
Many thanks
Hi Lemstar68
Thank you very much for your help
Hello Lemster68
Thank you very much for trying to send me
I would be happy if you could try again, it is very important to me
Hello Lemster68
Can you also please send me the installation of robinstall
I need to build a system for a robot S4C+
I have a robot with robotware 3HAC6811-2.10
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Thank you
Hello everyone
Can someone send me please Robinstall software?
I need to build a system for a robot S4C+
I have a robot with robotware 3HAC6811-2.10
Many thanks to anyone who can help me