OK ,thank you very much.
Posts by belnea1
Thank you i will try it tommorow it didnt occured to me that i can addres them to same input and must have overlooked it.
You found it in B-84035 ?
My mapping was done by UOP auto assignment which doesnt map Cycle stop.
Also when i checked manual for my controller i havent seen Cycle stop in JRM18 config.
Hi, im using scara robot SR6iA and R30iB compact plus controller.
My only way to communicate with PLC is JRM18 so my question is :
Is it possible to addres Cycle stop to my DI while using JRM18?
Thank you for help.
Hello, we have 5 robots with Hi-5 controllers we tried to set Safe space but even if load the values and can see them on TP they are not working like i can still jogg robot where ever i want nor do i see e-stop in application parameter->safe space. Thanks for any help.
i recalibrated a camera but it didnt help so i returned it back to previous state a the problem is no more . I also took out USB from controller on which camera was logging images i dont know if that had any effect but its working now. Thanks for help .
camera is taking picture of 3 different types of bolts .I will try that but i assume it takes a long time to find it because sometimes it finds them immediatly.
Hi, i work on application with IRVISION for car factory its a M-20iA/35M mounted with Kowa camera controller is R30iB+.
Cell was running fine untill we tried to fit camera with polarized glass to stop iron dust from covering camera it wasnt working well so we took the glass down.
Even after taking the glass down issue remained basically robot comes to camera position and takes a picture but sometimes its takes too long sometimes even 30 seconds and sometimes it takes picture in a second . Any suggestions ?
Thank you.
The positioners werent calibrated so it didnt allow robot to move at full jog speed sorry to waste your time but thanks for help .
I m just trying to JOG robot i checked the JOGLIM also but it seems correct.
Sorry i forget to write that there are 4 positioners can it be some multi axes problem ?
Both are at 100%
Hello , i have one robot 2000ic/165F with R30ib controller and i cant change speed in T1 OR T2 above 50% when i put it in auto mode it can go 100%. I tried to change JOGOVLIM in controlled start but it doesnt help any ideas what could be wrong ? Thank for help.
I dont think its tunnig or calibration problem i was able to fix this problem but when i manualy changed caps it happend again. I think its something with WD macros .
SEAN-DUDE it shows lets say if schedule is 1500nwt it shows 1490nwt it looks correct and my measrment tool shows about 1350 nwt . But it shows only for second then the value drops to about 500 nwt.
I dont know what standard do you mean . Yes pressure calibration is done correctly
Hello .
Im using i have two 2000ic-210f robots which are equiped with ARO spot welders .
Controler R-30ib
Servo in gun is Fanuc.i have problem with pressure , when i use instruction as SPOT or TD press i have to pick number of pressure from schedule but no matter which pressure i use Robot just uses whatever pressure he likes it doesnt even have to be in schedule and when i lower thickness it just presses lot more. I use Tecna measering tool its very precise but the values are not even close to inputed values.
Thank you for any help.
It was just one checked in box (USE ROUTER) in TIA PORTAL . We checked it out and it works now.
Hello , we have two R2000ic/210F robots and each of them has ARO welder we are trying to set Siemens PLC as Master and robots as its slaves but also set robots as masters for welders . We can see that ARO is sending signals but are not recieving them on robots. We tried various GSD files but it still wont work. I will be tahnkful for any help.
Controllers : R30ib
Profinet: CP 1604
PLC: CPU1215C ,TIA Portal 15