Thanks, you saved my day.
Just FYI, this also works for Chain 2 Abnormal 0,0.
Thanks, you saved my day.
Just FYI, this also works for Chain 2 Abnormal 0,0.
Actually, they only sent the .sys file, without definitions or any other help... I'll need to get in touch with them.
Hello all,
We have an aditive manufacturing ABB robot, and the provider of the offline pathplanning software gave us an example program which uses this instruction:
RetractTrigger{1} := DefineTriggIOS(true, "DO_Celda0_Compaction", 0, 0, true, 0);
There is more than "{1}" so I assume that it is an array, but does anyone know what the "DefineTriggIOS" instruction makes? I can't find any info online, and the arguments are different for each line.
The KAREL variable TPIN[0] could maybe come in handy.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any system variable that is associated with this internal signal.
This is exacly what I did...
My first try with a karel program, it was intense hahah
I'm trying to use the Shift button as an input for the robot. I have a background program running (not in BG_Logic) which keeps the "PRG_RUNNING" and "BUSY" signals ON even without deadman pressed, this is just for communication and monitoring.
The thing is that I need a way to stop the process when my movements program is running in T1 and my finger slips and i lift the shift button... My process needs to be complete without pauses, so I need to set a flag to ON (in bg_logic) whenever i lift the shift button after starting the production.
Any of you know if the Shift button has an internal $var that i can point to and check?
The robot is a R2000iC
Hello, dear forum.
I think I have a misunderstanding on how the DB works on Fanuc...
I need my robot to open a valve at the beginning of a trajectory, and then close it almost at the end of it without stopping the movement (Imagine that you're painting with an airbrush or spray).
The trajectory is only a straight line, so it should be easy...
I tried everything, CNT, FINE, DB, ACC, everything that came to my mind.
This is basically the code:
: WAIT 1 (SEC);
: R[11] = 250;
: L P[8] R[11]mm/sec FINE DB 0.0 mm, CALL INI_PAINT;
: L P[9] R[11]mm/sec CNT100 ACC R[4];
: L P[10] R[11]mm/sec CNT100 DB 0.0 mm, CALL STOP_PAINT;
: L P[11] R[11]mm/sec CNT100 ACC R[4];
I know that in KUKA you have an instruction called "CONTINUE" which keeps the logical pointer jumping between trajectories without stopping movements.
Any of you, smart people, have any idea?
First of all, which vision system are you using?
Are you using KUKA.VisionTech or maybe, a Keyence system?
Is the seventh axis an ABB integrated axis?
I think that using the MultiMove system you should be able to do it. I once used it for an arc welding application. I gave the robot the TCP of the welding gun and then touched up the same spot on the table turning it to 5 different axis positions, for it to know the radius and direction of it.
Maybe this helps...
What is the purpose of the robot, manipulation? spot welding?
Whenever you attach anything to the robot, the time that it takes to do a job increases due to the external things.
Whenever you open / close a gripper, the gripper needs time to open and to close, then read the sensors, then continuing the movement. If the valves are way too closed, that time will go up.
If you do spot welding, the time on the welding system also affects the cycle time of the robot.
Not everything is the robot fault.
I have a Karel program you can use to add your comments. Then just run it in the robot.
The problem with karel is that only a few people have acces to it, as it's a paid option, and even fewer people know the language.
I had the same issue a few weeks ago, and I solved it this way, thanks to HawkMe.
- Make a backup of the real robot.
- Import it on Roboguide - create cell from backup.
- Export IOcomments.csv and modify it (\Documents\My Workcells\(yourCellName)\Exports
- Import it back on Roboguide.
- I used the FCTN-0.NEXT-2.SAVE on the I/O pages that I modified, just in case...
- Make a backup via virtual TP. (the route should be \Documents\My Workcells\(yourCellName)\Robot_1\UD1.
-Get the from that folder.
-Load it on the real robot and cycle power!
Let me know if it worked!
Woah! It worked perfectly, thank you so much!!!
Just in case anyone has this issue:
- Make a backup of the real robot.
- Import it on Roboguide - create cell from backup.
- Export IOcomments.csv and modify it (\Documents\My Workcells\(yourCellName)\Exports
- Import it back on Roboguide.
- I used the FCTN-0.NEXT-2.SAVE on the I/O pages that I modified, just in case...
- Make a backup via virtual TP. (the route should be \Documents\My Workcells\(yourCellName)\Robot_1\UD1.
-Get the from that folder.
-Load it on the real robot and cycle power!
Thanks again HawkME!
Hello all,
I need to import a .csv file containing the "io comment export" from Roboguide.
Whenever I try to import the modified file on my roboguide, it loads just fine, but on the real robot, it says "File not loadable".
Does anyone know why or how could I load this file via USB?
Thanks in advance...
Hello my beloved forum,
I need to make some changes to a M-20iA/20M which is already working at a factory.
My problem is related to the I/O comments. We are changing the gripper and I need to add some signals.
Anyone knows why whenever I export my "IO comments" file on roboguide, it doesn't let me import it back? I tested without modifying anything, and it just says "import error".
No, the software won’t allow you to go slower than 10%. I assume you did an INTERLOCK + TEST START. That is 25% of maximum speed. I’m surprised that the software will even let you enter in less than 25%. It’s been that way for decades though.
Well, there it goes another thing that I don't like about this Yaskawa robots.
Interlock + Test Start goes insanely fast on T1/Manual mode. I am using Interlock+FWD for low speed, but this way you can only appreciate the path on an step by step mode...
When testing on automatic mode, it allows you to go as slow as 10% (Utility > Speed Override). When you press shift+up/down, the over-ride speed goes 10,11,12,13... an so on, but it won't go below 10.
Thanks for your answer, I'll start praying to the programming gods for good luck!
Hello, good forum,
I'm doing an installation of a YRC1000 robot which will work in remote mode.
The problem is that my gripper is quite fragile, and I'm not a fan of testing on automatic mode at +10% speed.
Is there any way of getting this setting below the 10%? the TP just says "Enter correct value" whenever I try to write, let's say, 5%, 1% or even 0%.
Thanks in advance...
Forget about it, I figured it out.
You have to set the S2C-701 parameter to 0 and then on REMOTE PLAYBACK mode press utility-Speed Override
Hello, good morning if you're from Europe.
I have this problem with a Yaskawa YRC1000, the playback speed.
Is there any parameter to set to any value to get the "Speed Adjustment Ratio ---%" to appear?
Every post and every manual that I see online only says press utility and then voilà, speed adjustment! And on my robot, nothing of that happens... the only options are "Low Speed Start: Valid/Invalid" and "Speed Limit: Valid/Invalid"
Thanks, this robots are driving me crazy...
Hello, I thought of a kind of dumb but efficient way of bypassing this…
How about using a JUMP - LBL from the beginning to the end of the code of the WRONG program, and then using a CALL to the GOOD program after the LBL?
This way, if anyone selects the wrong TP to run, it will automatically go to the right one.
Vale, estás dentro del modo Administrador o en modo Experto?
Haces un "Archive - All "?
Si es así debería dejarte, prueba conectando el USB al armario del robot, y si puedes, abrir el backup desde el workvisual o desde el OrangeEdit, debería salir tu programa y la modificación!